Tarbaw Nighthill

Governor Tarbaw Nighthill

Tarbaw Nighthill is Governor of Greenest.   Nighthill first met the party as they were escorted to him after finding a path into the keep through a sewer. He offered them rewards if they would help rescue a group of villagers trapped in a temple nearby.
Session 1 Report: Attack on Greenest   Later that night he dispatches the group to safeguard the town mill, where cultist are seen lurking.   At 5 AM, he summons the party, and watches as Groc faces Landedrosa for the first time.

The Governor learns the cultist went North and the scouts lost them approximate a mile and a half outside the city. He sends the adventuring party after the raiders.

Upon their return, the Governor rewards the party.

After returning a 2nd time, the Governor calls for celebration for the heroes of Greenest, and begins rebuilding efforts in the town.


Current Status
Mounting defense of Greenest
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Ruled Locations