Session 2: Heartache Tonight

"Drake vs Spear"

General Summary

Timeline Summary


19th of Flamerule, 1486 DR:

Time - 1:30 am
  - The group returns from defending the temple against a villager attack. Eadyan Falconmoon rewards them with a Bag of Holding and a Rope of Entanglement. They decide to take a short rest.   - The party interrogates the captured cult leader. He divulges that the Cult of the Dragon masterminded the attack in their quest to amass a treasure hoard. He ominously hints, "You'll find out why soon enough," and confesses that he answers to Langdedrosa.  
Time - 2:30 am
  - The town faces another threat at a sallyport. Though the main group's intervention isn't required there, Governor Nighthill dispatches them to safeguard the town mill, where cultists are seen lurking.   - Utilizing a secret tunnel, the adventurers approach the mill. They spot six cultists carelessly setting minor fires. Seizing the initiative, they ambush and defeat the cultists with ease.   - An ambush awaits inside the mill. The team splits up: Conrad and Groc to the right; Tristan, Rhumor, and Drake to the left. Rhumour breaks a window and the cultists and mercenaries inside call to arms.   - A fierce skirmish ensues. Drake is critically injured by a spear, collapsing soon after. Despite close calls, including Tristen's near-death experience, the party emerges victorious, capturing one cultist.   - Amidst the aftermath, Conrad discovers a bag containing gold, a health potion, and a dagger.  
- Greenest guards, commanded by Sergeant Markguth, arrive to take control. Interrogation of the captive cultist reveals that Langdedrosa serves Frulam Mondath, known as the "wearer of purple." The guards accompany the adventurers back to the keep. The townsfolk express their admiration for the group.  
Time - 3:00 am
  - The adventurers make their way back to the keep.   - Escobert reports the diminishing intensity of the attack, with the cultists retreating East-Northeast.   - A well-earned reward of 125 gold pieces is bestowed upon the group.   - They rest until 5 AM. During this lull, Rhumor researches the cultists' motives. He uncovers their possible interest in the town's weath due to a festival and hears about the cultists looting activities.   - A heart-to-heart conversation at the fireside offers a glimpse into each party member's background. Rhumor remains guarded, only revealing his tactical approach.  
Time - 5:00 am
  - As the team is summoned by the Governor, they're met with cheers and admiration from the villagers.   - A chilling moment ensues when a detachment of cultists and kobolds approach, led by a towering blue Half-Dragon identifying himself as Langdedrosa. He presents hostages, including Sergeant Markguth's sister.   - Demanding a duel, Langdedrosa challenges the keep's finest warrior. Groc steps up to this daunting task.
  - Though Groc displays remarkable resilience, Langdedrosa's agility prevails. Still, Groc leaves a lasting impression on the Half-Dragon before succumbing.   - With the assault over, Greenest's citizens hail the party as heroes. They are offered the finest accommodations in the keep.
  - The group all reach level 3.  
Time - Noon-ish
  - The new day brings another task. A messenger, on behalf of the Governor and his council, informs the group that scouts lost track of the raiders approximately a mile and a half East-Northeast of Greenest. They are commissioned to pursue and investigate.   - Before embarking, the group indulges in some shopping.   End of session.

Rewards Granted

Bag of Holding Dagger +1 Rope of Entanglement
Potion of Healing 145 Gold Each
EXP: 212 EXP



Party Roster:

Level 2/3 (Druid 2/3)
Level 2/3 (Fighter 2/3)
Level 2/3 (Rogue 2/3)
Level 2/3 (Warlock 2/3)
Level 2 (Wizard 2) *Dead*


Report Date
13 Aug 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


  • 145 Gold Each--
  • Bag of Holding--
  • Dagger +1--
  • Rope of Entanglement --
  • Potion of Healing
  • Experience

  • EXP: 212 EXP

  • Timeline Summary


    19th of Flamerule, 1486 DR:

      We lost Drake today.   I must confess, processing the events of today will take some time. The circumstances have veered so far from what I once knew as "normal." I managed to persevere through the skirmish at Greenest and aided in rescuing the villagers at the temple. That part was logical. What baffles me is the realization that the cultists set up an ambush at the mill, targeting us explicitly.   Their spears flew true. He stood no chance. We survived though. We survived.   The group I've joined is something else altogether. Keeping pace with them is a challenge. They approach every confrontation as if it's merely a casual walk, dispensing death with apparent ease. I witnessed men fall from unexpected arrows, saw dark energy emanate from Tristan to decimate those around him. Groc squared off against Langdadrosa, a Half-Dragon, unflinching even in the face of what seemed like inevitable defeat. I'm almost certain I saw him shrug off what should have been a fatal blow.   In the midst of it all, I transformed into a wolf. The sensation of biting through a man's throat and ending his life will undoubtedly haunt my dreams.   Lately, the wildfire within me has become more pronounced, especially in the heat of conflict—it's as if it thrives on such energy, not in an evil way, just unconstrained destruction suits it. The spirit craves to change things, and it has a limited number of ways to do that. The group appears oblivious to the fact that during these fights, it's often the spirit, not me, making decisions. I maintain control, but it's a constant struggle. I do have one thought though. I think I can push the healing capabilities this spirit gives me. Not all change need be destruction.   Despite everything, our efforts have provided a clue about the professor. We've also saved lives. So, for now, I'll continue to go with the flow, hoping it will lead me to answers—about the changes within me, and the fate of my friends.   Tomorrow though, we gather provisions. Then, these cultists will witness firsthand the untamed fury of a wildfire.