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Death Magic

Magic to manipulate and alter the course of death. It can be used to reanimate, communicate with, and summon the dead. It is also one of the most effective magics at manipulating, summoning, and protecting against ghost. Death magic is also one of the magics that can directly kill. or can be used to Death magic can also be used postpone death. It can also be used to open gates to the Afterworld. Higher forms can even give death a physical form. It has It has a deep burgundy magic circle. It has destructive, repressive, corruption and summoning attributes.  


Death Magic Martyrs appears as reanimated coporpses of their original form except their body is covered in unique red markind. Their eyes scaalera turn black and pupils turn red. They wander killing all they touch. They also reanimate the dead that they find They seem to be attracted to areas with alot of death, espeically graveyards and deadgtes. They are slow moving and clumsy and thus easy to trap. When destroyed they release a large wave of magic that kills all life within the blast.  


Basic Level

  • Ghost Call: A spell that allows user to summon ghost to  magic circle
  • -Corpse summoning: A spell that allows user to summon Corpse for a dead being
  • -Corpse reanimation: An Enchantment that allows user to reanimate corpses
  • -Death Delay: A Seal that allows user to suspend death on the self or other target so long as the spell is maintained. However it does not heal
  • -Undead Charm:  A charm that protects the target from possession or influence from ghosts
  • -Holy ground Barrier:  A Barrier that prevents ghost of the undead from entering.
  • -Death sense: A spell  that allows the user to sense death in canb e used to find a being that is dying, or to find a recently deceased being.
  • -Reapers Breath: A spell  that allows the user to orally suckout a feed on a targets life force.
  • -Black Death Guiding: A spell that allows the user to direct prexsiting Black Death
  • -Ghost Bane: A spell that allows the user forcefully reveals and repels ghosts. It actually cuases ghost to expierenc pain. It can be used force a ghost out of possession
  • -Reaper's gift: An enchant that allows normal materials to physically effect ghost. It can be used to create ghost proof structures or or areas. When used on weapons it can be used to banish ghost back to the afterworld. It is also effective on ghost walkers.
Advance Level
  • - Killing Curse: A spell that releases a stream of dark burgundy light that cuases necrosis on living target. Depending on target , magic power, and location landed it can cause instant death
  • Soul Ripper:  A spell that creates s a link to a target's soul and with enough force can be used to rip a target soul from its body
  • - Reapers Touch:  A Spell that Allows users to absorb the life force of living beings they are in contact with.  In doses it physicaly weakens target, but prolong exposure can cuase death to target
  • -Soul 0Eater: Spell in which a soul is separated from a body, the spell allows the user to consume another soul for additional power.
  • -Ghost Binding:  A seal in which the user can seal a ghost into another being or corpse for the ghost to control
  • -Black Death Release:  A spell that allows the user to summons Black Death, which is death materialized and flows like the wind. It absorbs life it touches. However Deathdealers have immunity to Black death's killing effect. Also once summon black death can also be controled by other death magic or wind magic users. Black death can also be negated by Living Mist
  • -Banshees Kiss:  A seal that leaves a mark that slowly feeds on a targets lifeforce. If left for to long it can kill the target.
  • -Ghost Locking:  A seal that binds a ghost to a certain item or area. It can be used to prevent a sould from going to afterworld.
  • -Killers Feast:  A spell in which the user can suck away the lifeforce of other beings to strenghten or replenish their own.
  • -Malmor maker:  An Enchant using black death to create malmor from living beings. Requires great control, finesse and anatomial knolwelge
  • -Death pulse:  An spellthat realeases an expanding sphere of magic that kill life cuaght in blast.
  • -Mandated Assaination:  An spell that uses source material to guide a killing curse to a certain target.
  • -Necrotic Curse:  An curse that cuases necroisis to spread from a wound
  • -Afterworld trap:A barrier that directly connects to the afterworld. It sucks those who step on it into the afterworld
Sage Level
  • -Graveyard Revival: A barrier the forms a large magic circle on ground which  reanimated corpse will continously rise from as long as the barrier is maintained
  • -Deadgate Summoning:  A spell that allows the user to summon a temporary deagate.
  • -Deadwind Dragon: A spell that allows user to summon or control a mass of black death to take the form of a dragon that absorbs life force of what ever it passes through. It also has physical force and is unable to be manipulated by other death magic users.
  • -Soul Breaker:  A spell that allows the user to permanently destroy a soul so it cannot be reincarnated. The death goddess does not approve of this.  
  • -Deadground Ward: A barrier in which the user creates a magic circle on the ground and any living being that steps in the circle will get their life force absorbed
  • -Soul Bonded Reanimation: An enchantment in which the user reanimates a corpse and binds them to there own magic, allowing the corrpse to use there own magic.
  • -Deathwind Storm: A spell in which the user summons a mass of black death which expands like a windsotrm as it absorbs more life. Difficult to control. easier to cast with Wind magic
  • -Dancing Killer: A spell which is a modified killing curse which bouces to various living beings in vincity of each other. Once realsed the user cannot decide whom the curse bounces to so it is best if user allies are no in area of spell.
  • -Deathdealer: An enchantment that temporarily gives the user the abilties of a deathdealer. Thus the user can absorb life throught touch. With engouh control the users can extend the range of life abprbstion to a zone around their body, Very effective when combined with physical combat
  • -Murderous storm: A spell in which the user releases a forward scatering of red sparks that kill tha which they touch. Easier to cast along with Lightining magic
  • -Lich Throne:  An advanced version of the Malmor Maker enchant. this spell creates a thronf of black death which tendrills reach out an converting living being in vicinty into malmor
  • -Soulstealer trap:A barrier that traps tragets and forcesully absorb the targets lifeforce and adds it to the caster. complez to setup up
  • -God Rune: Death:Caster has to create the God rune for "death" using black death. Once created it releases a wave that kills all life in front of it. It is strong enough to even geat weaken or break death resistance or protective magic manipulations . The longer the rune is maintain the wider range is effected
  • -God Rune: Rise:Caster has to create the God rune for "Rise" using black death. Once all corpses in the vicinty with be reanimated and under control of caster. These reanimation will along retain there memories personality and can perform limited magic.
  • -God Rune: Gate:Caster has to create the God rune for "Gate" using black death. Once created it ripes open a permanent rift into the afterworld. It is a very complex rune to create
  • -Deadrest Song:chant orginally created to seal a dead rift. It can also be used to deanimate corpses, destroy malmors and to send ghosts back to the afterworld


  • -Dance of the Dead: A ritual that collectively call and hypnotize many ghost ghost to an area. It call used to call ghost currently haunting and area or it can call ghost from the afterworld that were connected to an area.  Requirement are relatively simple as it just requires at least 1 death magic user. The particpants offer blood to a fire and use same blood  to create runes and decoraton on face and chest. Particpant then complete  a chant while dancing around the fire. So long as the dance continues ghost will be continued to be summoned. Once the dancing stop all the ghost present will be hypontized to the will of the participants.  The more particpant and stronger the magic user the faster and larger range the rituall effect area will be. It is more powerful on gravesite and especially on Mortanoko.
  • -Deaths Door:  A ritual that summons a permanent Deadgate. The Ritual requires complex runes and spell to be spoken. However it also requires at least 13 souls to be sacrificed in order to be activated. If more than 13 souls are sacrifice the the deadgate can be larger. However doing this ritual will inccur the wrath of Sersei: Goddess of Death if her permission is not granted ahead of time.
  • -Mortaf Conversion:  A ritual used to converted a being into a full mortaf. It required  a current mortaf, a darcmetal blade and a Deadgate . It also requires either blood from the 4 orginal mortaf bloodlines, or the blessing of the death godess. For the ritual the target must die by the orginal blood soaked darcmetal bladed on the deadgate while achoring mortaf recite the incantations. Then they wait untill the target revives as a mortaf.
  • -Mortaf Conversion:  A ritual used to converted a being into a full mortaf. It required  a current mortaf, a darcmetal blade and a Deadgate . It also requires either blood from the 4 orginal mortaf bloodlines, or the blessing of the death godess. For the ritual the target must die by the orginal blood soaked darcmetal bladed on the deadgate while achoring mortaf recite the incantations. Then they wait untill the target revives as a mortaf.
  • -Guided Genocide:  A ritual which is just a modificaion to the mandates assassinantion spell. It has a complex setup that effects how it behaves. It reqires a sample of the target. It can be a species to be targets, blood of a certain bloodine, or a certain living matter to target. Once activated tentrils of death magic seek out and kill target based on condition set in the begining of ritual. they will continue to sek out targets as long as the itual magic in matained
  • -Helmus Array:  A complex ritual thst requires multicasting various advance spells. It also require enough magic control to rotate these spell within each other. once activated it opens a vortex the forcibly sucks up the life force and soul all living beings in vicinity. blood markings can be incorperated to protect certain indiviuals such as the casters. orginally meant to cast by multiple magic users thus Easier to perform when void and space magic are used. Delveloped by Helmus Attlius
  • -Deadrift: a complex ritual that usually requires multiple casters since it require a variety of magics and a use alot of magic. Creates a fissure in the earth that is quite literally a rip in the boundary between the living world and after world. Once open and outpouring of Mlmor are realsed from the fissure. Living being that fall into the fissure will return as malmor and corspes in the area will be reanimated as well. Ghosts can also freely cross over through the deadrift. A Rift can be mended with the Deadrest song or at the direct invertevtion by the death goddess. Other wise the deadrift can be sealed my other magic or blocak by other contructive means. However sealing or blocking a deadrift does not stop the corpse renamiation effect it has on the area. On top of being complex the ritual is also dangerous as the caster(s) are vunerable to falling into the fissure, can easily become Martyrs in the process and can possible inccur the wrath of the death goddess.


- Deadgate: While the door itself can have different appearance, the one common trait is that all deadgates are covered in a massive amount of complex inscriptions.. It serves as an entrance to the after world. Requires the sacrifice of life to open. Only souls can enter and leave freely. Only the exchange of life can allow for a living being to cross over.
- Deadstone: A large bolder with inscribed runes and rooted in the ground. With dead magic is applied in allows for communication with the dead.
-DeathCurseA concoction in with the the effected veins will turn black and the body will die. However, their soul will be sealed in the body and cannot pass to the after world. Simple to make, but ingredient are hard to get
- Undead King's Crown: Created by Tantolos Atlelus. It allows wear to control undead creates with thoughts. THis inculdes malmors liches and ghosts. can only be used by Atleus bloodline
- Undead Knight's Trident:
Created by the 1st Atelus inheritor, Tyro Atlelus. Instigate necrosis on contact with target. Can also be used to created deadgates once it touches ground
- Undead Dancer's Flute: Created by the 2nd Atelus inheritor, Xialiu Atlelus. When played in summons and entraces to undead
- Undead Doctors's Lantern: Created by the 3rd Atelus inheritor, Kitos Attlius. When open is continues realases black death.
- Undead Assassain's Blade: Created by the 4th Atelus inheritor, Anakas Atlelus. each cut cuase by this blade places a growing necrosis curse.
- Undead Writer's pen: Created by the 5th Atelus inheritor, Helmus Attlius. With proper setup the pen slowly kills names it writes
- Undead Executor's Axe: Created by the 6th Atelus inheritor, Amos Atlelus. axe can sever lifeforce directly,
- Undead Madame's Mirror: Created by the 7th Atelus inheritor, Rachel Attlius. Shows viewer how the dies,
- Undead Rider's cloak: Created by the 8th Atelus inheritor, Phillip Atlelus. Prolongs death of wearer,


When death magic manipulations are performed a dark burgundy magic circle appears


As it is the magic to control the dead , Dead magic is most powerful when used in the Afterworld. However it is also strong around deadgates as they connection to the afterworld. In fact when deadgate are large engough, such as in Dealios  or in the Vivatom , the whole area has stronger dead magic. Also Dead magic is stronger during the holiday of Mortanoko  a the death goddess allows the Afterworld to open for this night. Meanwhile death magic is weaker in holy or purified areas.  

Famous Bloodlines

  • Atlelus (Attlius) - Desendants of the Tantolos Atlelus, a Tyrant leader obessed with true immoratlity an known to create and perform many taboo magic manipulation. Certain branches changed the name to Attlius to escape infamy of thier bloodline founder. The Magika of Tantolos has been passed down to the inheritors of Atelus bloodline.
  • Sirus - Descendants of Sirus the first silver eyed mortaf. They naturally capable of complex death magic and powerful deathdealers . Their blood can be used in the Mortaf conversion ritual. One of the 4 leading Families for Dealios
  • Blackwolf - Descendants of Shiro, a death demigod luposari. Famous for their jet black fur/hair form and larger that average wolf form. Famous for their fued with the shadai of Poenari that aparently started with the legend known as the " Song of the Death Singer"

Magic Overview

Death Color.jpg
Death Magic circle by Israel Rodriguez
Sersei: Goddess of Death
Magic Circle:
Dark Burgundy
Conduit Form
Deadgate that can access the Afterworld
Life Magic
Fire, Light, White
Wild, Natural, body
Puppet, black, decay
Magic Zones:
Afterworld, Deadgate , Vivatom , Dealios
Enhancing Events:
Magically Proficient Races:
Mortaf, Mages, Eukalions, Uroges, Shiro
Metaphysical, Arcane

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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