Goggguk Character in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil


Born in the Southern Kingswall Mountains on the Eastern edge of Brenica's claimed sovereign domain, Goggguk is a Fomorian, the cursed bastardization of Giant-kind. Goggguk was dimwitted even for his kind, who are often looked upon as monsterous and incapable of higher intelligence, but was always regarded as having a kind heart by his peers in the small Fomorian village he lived.
  After the destruction of his village by the army of Brenica during their systematic clearing of all settlements from the Kingswall Mountains, Goggguk was sent by the remaining village elder to find a suitable location to relocate his fellow Fomorians to somewhere outside of the mountain range that they'd always called their home. He encountered Duo and the party as they traveled from Qadis back towards Tradefront, and though their meeting was tense due to his perceived monsterous nature, Goggguk asked the party for help in defending and relocating his people.
  Once the party had resolved their seige of the Brenican Research Laboratory, they invited Goggguk and the few remaining Fomorians to travel with them to Tradefront in hopes of the small city accepting them and providing them a new home. Tradefront's people, and its mayor Captain Jarvis Odannon, welcomed the Fomorians with open arms and folded them into the existing melting pot of races, cultures, and backgrounds.
  Goggguk and his people helped expand the city of Tradefront by helping its architects construct new housing and working the fields to support the growing population. After months of integration into the culture of Tradefront, Goggguk was approached by Duo  who proposed an experiment to the Fomorian. 
  Goggguk was saddled with a Headband of Intellect by the artificer which allowed him to comprehend ideas more complex than the average Fomorian, and significantly more complex than he was formerly capable of. After a brief warming period with the Headband of Intellect Goggguk became an extreme boon to Tradefront due to his penchant for designing and building complex systems, first of which being an advanced irrigation system using the flow of the River Chionthar and a series of cogs and waterwheels to drain and flood the town's farm fields automatically.

Dimwitted, but friendly fomorian looking for a new home.

View Character Profile
Current Location
Kingswall Mountains
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Mottled Brown/Grey/Green
13 ft
900 lbs
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