10/23 - Druid Disappeared Report in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

10/23 - Druid Disappeared

General Summary

The party begins the journey from the desert kingdom of Qadis South to the town of Tradefront, but not before establishing one half of a portal connection outside of the city using a Blade of Skagi. This journey, one they've made many times, goes smoothly and takes a short two weeks of desert travel before arriving.
  Upon arrival to Tradefront, the party is greeted by the town's guard captain and de facto mayor Captain Jarvis Odannon, who welcomes them back warmly and invites them to dinner at the town's pub, The Last Hurrah, in order to catch up on their journeys. After regaling the old guard captain with tales of their journeys, Darnath asks Jarvis about the possibility of establishing a Guildhall in or near the town in order to found a hunters guild. Jarvis has Goggguk run the numbers on how much a Guildhall would cost and how long it would take to construct, while Sylvie suggests using the ruins of Groundbreak as the Guildhall's location.
  Given Goggguk's writeup, and confidence in Jarvis's ability to manage the project on the party's behalf, the group agree to fund the construction of a Guildhall on the remains of Groundbreak. 3,000 gold pieces are left with Jarvis as a deposit, with the remaining 2,000 gold pieces to be paid before the 60 days of construction are complete.
  After their conversations and business dealings, the party ask Captain Jarvis Odannon if there are any Adventuring tasks around Tradefront that they could help with. The old guard captain informs them that things have been relatively silent as of late. The only active Adventuring being done is that the druid Navarre Ophion is out on a scouting expedition surveying the swamp of Undrieg to gathering information on the ecology and track the dragon after sightings farther afield than previously seen. Navarre's progress is being monitored by Valraira Gilrora via Sending Stone.
  The party find Valraira in her apartment and ask about Navarre's progress, but she hasn't heard from the druid in 3 days and is beginning to worry. Notably, the Sending Stone is working properly and the messages are going through, but Navarre is unwilling or unable to respond. The same behavior happens when the party uses Sending to contact Navarre directly. Valraira shows the party the search pattern Navarre had been using while surveying the swamp, which Thovak takes note of, and helps the party break into Navarre's apartment in order to search for any relevant evidence.
  With the party set on both finding Navarre and confronting  Undrieg , they recruit both Valraira Gilrora and Aliester Gilrieth into their party and set off towards the swamp to the East. A week's travel later, the party arrives at the edge of the swamp.
  Undrieg's domain is its normal fetid swamp, and the party heads deeper into its center with hopes of locating Navarre at the natural conclusion of her search pattern. As the party travels far deeper into the swamp they begin to notice an oily, black film appear on the surface of the water. They also notice Undrieg overhead, flying in a strange pattern as if keeping watch over a narrow region at the swamp's center. The party continues on, ever cautious to avoid the ire of the black dragon.
  As the party reaches the domain's centerpoint, the deepest part of the swamp, Darnath notices two things: a humanoid form in the dense fog ahead and a large semi-spherical boulder submerged in the deep water. Upon closer inspection the humanoid form is indeed Navarre Ophion, alive but in a strange state and has a long, thorned vine growing from her ear canal, up behind her hear, and through her hair, ending in a flower bud. The large boulder is covered in slick moss and lichen, but the presence of a massive stone is notably out of place in a swamp comprised of soft, peaty soil.
  Darnath approaches closer to Navarre as Sylvie attempts another Message, which falls on deaf ears. Confirming that Thovak has the necessary supplies to cast Revivify if necessary, Darnath fires three arrows into the druid's back in an attempt to knock her out of the stupor. Darnath's bowstring rings out in the silence of the swamp as the three arrows thud into Navarre's back. The druid's head lolls forward limply as if dead and the plant rooted in her ear blooms into a large, sickly green flower.
  As the party watches the dead druid remain upright, they hear a booming voice and the beating of massive wings. The black dragon, Undrieg , Lord of the Lake hurdles towards the party from the skies above, his massive mouth trailing acidic vapor, and roars in warning: "stay away from her!"
Report Date
23 Oct 2023
Primary Location