Stonehearth Settlement in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil


Stonehearth is a mining settlement nestled deep in the mountains to the East of Tradefront on the edge of known Faerun. This small settlement is situated atop a bend in the river coming down from the mountains, which is used to transport goods to and from the town without the need to navigate the more dangerous roads.  


The entirety of Stonehearth is encased in crude, thick stone walls to protect the citizens and traders from the frequent and persistent attacks from other denizens of the mountain range. The town's walls are built across a tight bend in the river, allowing small transport and fishing vessels to load and unload within the relative safety of the town. Small communal farms inside the town walls provide the majority of the residents' food, and a large public house provides for the public's needs.  

Points of Interest

Public House

  This large stone building serves all public needs for the down, acting as a tavern, inn, gathering hall, and courthouse for the citizens of the town and the infrequent travelers that visit. The public house is surrounded by a secondary wall to the rest of the town, so it also serves as a last bastion in events where the outer walls are breached.


The economy of Stonehearth is entirely rooted in extracting valuable ores and minerals from the surrounding cliffs to ship them downriver for refinement and use. While there are infrequent visits from travelers and adventurers, services to them make up little of the town's economy.


  • Stonehearth
    Stonehearth is a mining settlement nestled deep in the mountains to the East of Tradefront on the edge of known Faerun. This small settlement is situated atop a bend in the river coming down from the mountains, which is used to transport goods to and from the town without the need to navigate the more dangerous roads.
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