10/2 - Eater of Worlds

General Summary

The party, in the final days of pregnant peace in Olak Vald, spend their time preparing themselves and consulting with the leaders of the three squads for the upcoming battle: Aliester Gilrieth, Fenbi Truefin, and General Gran of the Cobalt Syndicate. In that time they craft a few last-minute items, oils and tinctures to ward themselves against Pyrotol's flames, and a few magical stones to empower themselves. With all possible preparations done, the arrayed parties make for the battlefield and Fenbi instructs the Olak Vald court mages to cease concentration on the binding spell. As they do, the peace in Olak Vald is shattered.  
The Throat of the Devourer screams, peppering the city below with boulders and lava. In the heart of Olak Vald, the Archdragon Pyrotol returns to Faerun once more. As Pyrotol rises into the clouds above and unfurls its colossal wings the very sky darkens, and with one infernal roar that shakes the foundations of the city, an era of relative peace comes to an end.
  The Archdragon rises from the Throat of the Devourer up into the dim skies of Olak Vald, releasing an earthshattering scream that shakes the foundations of the city. The civilians below, taking shelter in the lower city, cry out in fear as the dragon's massive silhoette darkens the sky further. As the party takes their position on the battlefield, the Tanarukk army led by Aliester Gilrieth gets into position in the ruins nearby and the mercenary archers of the Cobalt Syndicate led by General Gran stage themselves atop the shattered cliffside above the battlefield. Fenbi Truefin instructs the Olak Vald mages, with the help of Wroza and Bendar, to begin casting the new spell they've been preparing over the previous weeks.  
Whips of arcane energy shoot from the Throat of the Devourer as Fenbi and the amassed mages redirect the portal's binding magic into a new form. Dozens of the swirling ribbons of arcane runes spiral up out of the volcano's mouth and loosely wrap around the Archdragon's legs like transparent bandages. As the chanting from inside the volcano crescendos the ribbons tighten, arresting Pyrotol's upward momentum and binding him to the earth below, pulling him closer and closer to the ground.
  The party engages with Pyrotol, Eater of Worlds in combat both martial and magical. As the Archdragon is slowly pulled closer to the surface by Fenbi's magic, the dragon's breath and terrible claws cause several of the partymembers to go down. Aliester Gilrieth's Tanarukk army begins to assault the archdragon once it is grounded, but take heavy casualties from Pyrotol's counterattacks. General Gran and the Cobalt Syndicate mercenaries continually pepper the ancient evil with a hail of arrows to distract it and offer the party clearer openings for attack.
  After pitched battle and severe losses, the party members, both conscious and not, hear the disembodied voice of Dol Azur proclaiming to them that the price has been paid. Now shocked back into consciousness and filled with the divine aura of the god of sacrifice, the party feel their attacks empowered by the necrotic energy of Dol Azur and their blows strike deeply into the Archdragon, leaving intense and painful wounds. After further combat empoered by Dol Azur, the party strike enough fatal blows on Pyrotol, Eater of Worlds to truly and fully kill the cataclysmic beast.
  The heroes of Olak Vald, victorious, regroup at the corpse of the collapsed dragon to catch their breath. Duo , not one to waste time when research is afoot, takes the opportunity to harvest the brain, heart, and glands of the former Archdragon with the help of his companions. Aliester Gilrieth, his Tanarukk army left in pieces from the battle and his leg severely injured, rejoins the party using his broadsword as a crutch.
  Reassembling in the throne room of Olak Vald's keep, the party see the flayed and lifeless form of God-King Dreadgrax covered with a blood-soaked white sheet and being mourned by Archbishop Eldmor and General Vimdric. After a heartfelt thanks from the two ministers of the former God-King, the party questions them about the immediate future of Olak Vald. Now that the royal line is gone, Eldmor and Vimdric will jointly oversee the reconstruction of Olak Vald until relative peace can be restored and some new form of government can be established.
  In the days following the death of God-King Dreadgrax, Olak Vald is swept up in a city-wide festival of both celebration and mourning. As the party recovers from their injuries in the halls of Olak Vald keep, they are approached by General Vimdric and presented with scrolls written in the hand of the late God-King.  
Hero of Olak Vald,   In these, my final hours, I wish to express my profound gratitude to you and your companions. I know you came to Olak Vald for your own reasons, but what matters is that you chose to stay during our time of dire need. If not for your stalwart courage, Olak Vald would share the same unavoidable fate as its God-King.   As my final act as God-King, and with the kingdom's deepest gratitude, I bestow upon each of you the title of "Dragonbane Knight of Olak Vald." Wear it with pride, for your valor shall forever be remembered in the annals of our kingdom.   As I bid farewell, know that you are the true saviors of Olak Vald. May your legacy endure as a beacon of hope for generations to come.   In eternal gratitude,   God-King Dreadgrax

Rewards Granted

  • PC EXP Total = 87,500
  • Feat Gained: Dragonbane Knight of Olak Vald
  • The Heart of Pyrotol
  • The Brain of Pyrotol
  • The Glands of Pyrotol
  • Many dragon scales and bones

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
02 Oct 2023
Primary Location