9/18 - The Final Days of Olak Vald Report in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

9/18 - The Final Days of Olak Vald

General Summary

46 days remain until the rise of Pyrotol, Eater of Worlds.
  • The party, along with Fenbi Truefin, Wroza, and Bendar, traveled from Fenbi's Spire across the Cursed Expanse, through the city of Qadis and arrived in the coastal kingdom of Ebonait.
  • After arriving in Ebonait, the party procured a small piece of property in which to establish a clandestine portal using one of the Blades of Skagi.
  • After establishing one half of the portal, the party teleported to Olak Vald with the help of Fenbi Truefin.
42 days remain until the rise of Pyrotol, Eater of Worlds.
  • The party gives The Mockery of Life to God-King Dreadgrax, as requested by Dol Azur during the party's divine communication with the diety.
  • Dreadgrax communed with the relic, revealing their divine purpose to be sacrificed to Dol Azur in a ritual to summon an avatar of the god to defeat Pyrotol, Eater of Worlds.
  • The party requests a location in which to establish the second link of the Blade of Skagi portal. General Vimdric leads them to a small prison cell underneath the guard tower outside of Olak Vald Keep, a secure location in which to establish the portal without exposing Olak Vald to unnecessary external forces.
  • Archbishop Eldmor leads Fenbi Truefin and the other mages down into the Throat of the Devourer's magma chamber where the court mages maintain the portal between worlds.
  • Fenbi Truefin, after investigating the portal's magic, concludes that the "portal" description is less apt than "barrier". The ancient magic being maintained in the chamber is more like a cork in or bandage over an opening between planes, the opening itself being immutably written into the contract between God-King Bazath, The Great and Levistus, Prince of Stygia.
  • Fenbi Truefin is confident that with crafty preparation she can devise a way to rewrite the magic being used to maintain the barrier into a method by which to restrict Pyrotol, Eater of Worlds's movement after he is freed, bust must do so without too drastically changing the underlying magical metaphor so that the court mages will be able to learn the new magic in time.
  • General Gran of the Cobalt Syndicate mercenaries, informs the party that the Ebonati soldiers will provide aid in the form of arrow volleys upon a grounded Pyrotol at the party's command. This should buy the party time to push their advantage and strike true on the archdragon.
  • Aliester Gilrieth informs the party that he and his Tanarukk army will lie in wait until Pyrotol is grounded, then on the party's command will press the advantage and come in hard on the archdragon.
Few days remain until the rise of Pyrotol, Eater of Worlds.
  • The party spends the remaining time seeking additional advantages.
  • Dozens of potions are crafted to provide resistance to various damage types.
  • Shops are searched for items which might provide a boost to the party.
  • Research is done into the nature of Pyrotol, Eater of Worlds through both mundane and mystical means.

Rewards Granted

  • Fenbi's Aid - Once Pyrotol has emerged, Fenbi, Wroza, Bendar, Archbishop Eldmor, and the Olak Vald court mages will begin rebuilding the barrier magic from the Throat of the Devourer into magical strands to bind the archdragon and prevent his freedom of movement.
  • Aliester's Aid - Aliester and his army of Tanarukk will lie in wait until Pyrotol is grounded and the party give the order for them to attack, at which point they will harry the archdragon from all sides.
  • Cobalt Syndicate's Aid - On the party's command the Cobalt Syndicate mercenaries will rain volleys of arrows down on the archdragon, giving the party an advantage.
  • Dol Azur's Aid - Once Pyrotol is weakened, God-King Dreadgrax will sacrifice themselves to summon an Avatar of The Mockery, which will be able to deal truly fatal damage to the primordial creature.

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Report Date
18 Sep 2023
Primary Location
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