Olak Vald Settlement in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Olak Vald

Olak Vald is a kingdom deep in the mountains which is built up the steep sides of the Throat of the Devourer, a massive volcanic spire which regularly spews embers and clouds of hot ash out into the sky. The kingdom is both deeply religious and distrustful of outsiders, only allowing citizens access to the city proper.


Olak Vald is a melting pot of species ranging from human to dwarf to lizardfolk to dragonkin. The absolutely inhospitable terrain and surroundings of Olak Vald has over time pushed more and more diverse creatures together into one city.


Olak Vald is ruled by God-King Dreadgrax, pseudo-deity and faithkeeper of the Olakan peoples. The God-King is praised in all homes and churches of Olak Vald alongside the other deities, and their word is law.


Olak Vald is built in winding tiers along the sides of a steep volcano, the Throat of the Devourer. A large wall is erected at the base of the volcano to protect the city from attacks by the dangerous inhabitants of the area.

Points of interest

Throat of the Devourer
A massive, active volcano which spews molten rock constantly and is said to be a truly bottomless reserve.   Olak Vald Keep
Located next to the Throat of the Devourer atop an active volcano, this spire serves as the center of Olak Vald and the seat of power of God-King Dreadgrax.   Seminary of the Faithful
Institute for the magically-gifted denizens of Olak Vald to learn the arcane arts passed down through the teachings of the gods.   Altar of the Wayward
Small temple to Akadi, deity of travelers and adventure. This roadside stop in the shantytown outside of Olak Vald's wall offers food, drink, and shelter to wayward travelers not able to seek shelter inside the city's walls.   Church of the Skinned Saint
Church of Dol Azur, deity of trickery and bloodshed who was flayed and cast out by his siblings.   Temple of the Betrayed
Temple to Dol Azur, god of war and conquest who was betrayed by his siblings and cast down from their council of deities long ago.   Abbey of the Sacrificer
Church to the deity of sacrifice, Dol Arrah, who betrayed her kin Dol Azur and sacrificed him to appease the other gods.   Temple of the Steel Hearted
Church of Dol Dorn, hard-hearted deity of combat and strength who betrayed his brother Dol Azur and cast him out.


While allowed to visit the shantytown outside the walls, visitors are not often welcome within the walls of Olak Vald unless they have express permission from the God-King themself or the sponsorship from one of the churches within the city.


Olak Vald's architecture is notable primarily for its absence of wood or flammable material. As the Throat of the Devourer erupts regularly and spews hot embers into the air, rooves, roads, and buildings must all be constructed from heavy, thick stones in order to withstand.