11/13-11/27 - Sunken House Gilrieth Report in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

11/13-11/27 - Sunken House Gilrieth

General Summary

After their fight with the Blighted Navarre Ophion and the black dragon Undrieg , the party gather themselves and investigate the goingson of the swamp.
  The party spend a bit of time recovering, as Duo begins disassembling Undrieg's children before they begin to rot. While he recovers many parts, he also discovers the depth of the Blight within the young dragon Raimo. The sickly green flower's roots spread down and throughout the dragon's intestines, filling the dragon's body and sapping it of nutrients.
  Thovak, seeing the brutal tableau of the split dragon filled with roots, recalls a similar image from an old textbook on ancient religion from his youth. The seeds of Moander, The Rotting God, a diety believed to be dead and worshipped by none.
  The party interrogates Navarre Ophion for anything that she remembers about the Blight she was previously afflicted with. Though she recalls nothing from her time afflicted with the Seeds of Moander, she does know that it was one of Undrieg's children that originally infected her.
  After the party interrogates Navarre about her affliction, and investigating the corpses of Undreig's children, the party begins to investigate the massive skull-shaped stone mostly submerged in the swamp's murky waters. Duo and Gramlek enter within the large, hollow eye socket of the skull and dive down to its base, finding it to be a complete skull nearly eighty feet in diameter. As they are under the murky waters the pair also discover evidence of prior habitation in the swamp, remnants of smooth, carved stone blocks forming the foundation of some building. Following the structure's remains, the two divers locate what appears to be an entrance to a sunken castle wing near the base of the massive skull. With Thovak's help manipulating the water away from the building's opening, both Duo and Aliester descend and enter the structure.
  Aliester recognizes the newly exposed ruins as the entrance to his brother Elyon's wing of the royal castle. Neither requiring air, he and Duo press on into the sunken ruin for some distance. As they travel through the twisting halls of the decrepit structure they find ennumerable cases of items and objects destroyed by centuries of exposure to the murky water of the swamp, finally happening upon a small group of Blighted Kuo-toa, fishmen native to the Underdark affected by the Seeds of Moander. Beating a hasty retreat, the duo reunite with the party and hatch a plan to better explore the ruins and locate Aliester's brother.
  The party make a brief pitstop in Tradefront to prepare to explore Elyon's wing of House Gilrieth. Navarre Ophion, Valraira Gilrora, and the party debrief with Captain Jarvis Odannon, after which Duo begins a flurry of arcane crafting to prepare for both underwater breathing and freedom of movement. A scant few days later and the party set off back for Undreig's former swamp.
  Now able to both breath and move effectively underwater, the party dive down into the murky waters of the swamp and into the ruins of Elyon's castle wing. They quickly navigate through the regions previously-explored by Duo and Aliester and engage with the Blighted Kuo-Toa, felling them after pitched underwater combat. The Seeds of Moander afflicting the Kuo-toa provided significant advantages to the fishmen over their un-afflicted counterparts, giving them enhanced stamina in addition to the root tendrils and seed attack exhibited by Undreig's Blighted children.
  The party proceeds through the ruins and fights several more groups of Blighted Kuo-toa, each comprised of a Blighted Kuo-toa priest and several Kuo-toa warriors, before reaching an area very near the center of Elyon's compound where they encounter an unusual site. A massive, semi-cylendrical pillar of the same bone-like material making up the skull on the surface has crashed down through the wall of the castle at some point in the past and is leaking a thick, blood-like ichor into the water. Thovak and Duo investigate the strange fluid, Duo taking a sample for later research and Thovak using his religious background to infer that the fluid could actually be the god's-blood of Moander.
  With Aliester pressing the party to delve further into the compound and locate Elyon Gilrieth, and the group's temporary waterbreathing ticking away, the party resolves to continue on and return later to investigate the structure. Proceeding to the innermost chamber of Elyon's wing of the castle, the party find a large stone sarcophagus half-buried under tons of rubble from the destroyed castle. Upon investigating, Duo is confident that with Gramlek's strength and the right leverage, the party could upend enough boulders to free the sarcophagus. Duo is also confident that a feral and ravenous Elyon is inside the coffin.
  Discussing a plan amongst themselves, the party and Aliester decide to attempt and appease the blood-hungry Elyon with the Kuo-toa corpses while having the bloodless members of the group interpose themselves between the feral vampire and the juicy party-members. With a heave, Gramlek topples the final boulder and the coffin explodes open as the crazed Elyon lunges towards the bloody corpes of the nearest Kuo-toa and drains it down to a husk in one deep quaff. After draining three additional Kuo-toa the feral vampire lunges towards Darnath in an attempt to feed on the Bugbear, but the party manage to subdue him before his teeth can make purchase.
  With Elyon Gilrieth subdued temporarily, Aliester Gilrieth begins to tend to his wounded and famished brother as the party begins to survey the area and debrief.

Rewards Granted

  • 10,000 EXP (Total EXP: 97,500)
  • Intact Young Black Dragon Brain
  • Blighted Young Black Dragon Brain
  • Blighted Water Sample
  • Blight Matter Sample
  • Moander Ichor Sample

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Report Date
13 Nov 2023
Secondary Location