12/4-12/11 - A Deal With the Devil Report in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

12/4-12/11 - A Deal With the Devil

General Summary

After their discovery of Moander's corpse and the rescue of the bloodcrazed Elyon Gilrieth, the party parted ways with the vampiric brothers. Aliester Gilrieth thanked the party for their assistance and carried his unconscious brother off into the wilds so that he could nurse the feral vampire back to sanity, while the party returned to civilization in Tradefront.
  While travelling and recovering from their journeys in Tradefront, Thovak began to commune with Akadi in hopes of gleaning some insight into the fallen god Moander and why his corpse is out of place in the Prime Material. Through several rituals, Thovak pried several truths from the goddess of travel:
  • Moander was killed by a mortal at some point in the far past.
  • Moander's killer is still alive/active/around.
  • The mortal(s) that brought Moander to the Prime Material were not his killer(s).
  • The mortal(s) that brought Moander to the Prime Material are still alive/active/around.
  • Neither Akadi, nor one of her followers, is capable of returning Moander to the Astral Sea.
While Thovak beseeched his goddess for answers as to the origin of Moander's corpse, Duo and Sylvie began concocting a solution to the presence of the corpse itself. Geryon, archdevil and general of Levistus, Prince of Stygia was but a call away, and Devils are known to love a bargain. Duo began crafting a contract to approach the archdevil with as the party traveled to their now-completed headquarters on the ruins of Groundbreak. Upon arriving, and after a short rest, the party contacted Geryon and requested a meeting.
  Geryon arrived through a portal with an arcit blast and greeted Duo. After pleantries and introductions, the archdevil and the party began negotiating the terms of Duo's contract for the disposal of Moander's corpse. Geryon would arrange for the disposal of the dead god's corpse and take the lion's share of the proceeds, the party in exchange providing the location of the corpse and taking a portion of the spoils as a finder's fee.
  With the deal struck and the contract's ink quickly drying, Geryon thanks the party for their contributions to his new acquisition and disappears into another portal to the frigid plane of Stygia. Minutes later, the headquarters is shaken by the heavy footfalls of some massive creatures and three resounding knocks on the front door. Arriving as if from nowhere, the diminutive Devil Has and their two hulking companions Uril & Ben appeared outside of the headquarters.
  Has, the researcher sent by Geryon to establish the digsite around Moander and begin planning the excavation, extended one of her four hands in an awkward handshake as the door swung open. Not one for small talk, or any talk for that matter, Has introduced themself and asked when the party would be ready to make for the digsite.
  Travel was swift from the headquarters to the corpse of Moander, though Has spent countless hours taking exacting logs and measurements of each new plant, animal, and mineral they encountered. After arriving at the site and informing Has of the extents of the corpse, the Devil began their process, allowing the party to go on their way.
  Dropping off the Devil researcher and their guards in the center of Undrieg 's former territory left the party with no excuse to not look for the fallen Dragon's hoard. It took several weeks to locate, and several more to excavate, but after weeks spent submerged in the mirky swamp the party finally took possession of the Black Dragon's horde.

Rewards Granted

  • 19,600 GP in mixed coins/gems/items (3,920 GP / PC)
  • Ceremonial Electrum Dagger with a Black Pearl Pommel (seemingly of Centaur make)
  • 4 Painted Warmasks (seemingly of Centaur make)
  • Ioun Stone of Reserve
  • Nine Lives Stealer Rapier with some level of sentience

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

Report Date
04 Dec 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location