7/15-8/5 - Feywild Fallout

General Summary

After protracted battle with the monstrosities from the Far Realm, the party and the arrayed forces of The Feywild under the command of Lady Mirkwood, Lord Vesper, and Luirlan eked out a victory and sealed the final remaining rift between dimensions, destroying a powerful Uuvudaum in the process. With all the tears closed, the day's problems were solved for The Feywild, but the war between the Far Realm and the Planes of Fey and Man were a problem for tomorrow.
  Rejoining the assembled armies and heading back to meet with Lady Timber and Lady Hemlock, the party enjoyed a long, Fey-style celebration and rest before heading back home. In this time, Lady Timber approached the party and with the blessings of both Queen Titania and Queen Mab offered them a reward for their services. The high lady offered not gold nor goods, but for them to be truly adopted by The Feywild, becoming part-Fey and citizens of the Plane.
  After returning to the Party Guildhall in Groundbreak, the group caught up with their employees about all they had missed during the several weeks they had been gone. They heard of the group's work in the nearby lands keep the roads safe for travelers and merchants, as well as news of a conspicuous group of hooded figures that recently arrived in the area that had been asking questions in Tradefront, Stonehearth, and Skagi about the swamp and the blight affecting it.
  Knowing that they would at some point need to face the dangers of the Far Realm to prevent more incursions by the abherrant monstrosities, the party made contact with Fenbi Truefin, Cogbanop Genglys, and Wroza in hopes of securing plans and materials for equipment to protect them from the condensed Chaos energy that suffuses the plane. The scientist/magicians let the party know that they should be able to create "anchors" made of condensed Order in order to stave off the effects of the Far Realm for a period of time, the length of that period being entirely dependent on the quality of the materials they had access to and how closely aligned with the planes of order the materials are.
  With next steps for the Far Realm somewhat planned out, the party set forth to make contact with the mysterious figures asking questions in the area and ensure that their presence was not detrimental to the civilians they had spent so long protecting.

Rewards Granted

  • 22,520 EXP / PC (PC Total: 169,920)
  • Fey Adoption (accepted by all party members except Duo )

Created Content

Report Date
15 Jul 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location