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Finn Bowes (a.k.a. Berserker)

Berserker, birth name Finn is a resident of the underground Supers refugee camp, Subter and has been since childhood. He's well ingratiated in all the refugee camps and communities worldwide and known as one of the most powerful or at least aggressive of the younger generation of Supers. He's been working secretly to build a ring of allies and lackies so he can one day rise up against the heroes and take control of the world. He will subjugate the world country by country and all will bow to him or fall before his power. He delights in causing pain and suffering because he sees it as a sign of his own strength.
However his troubled childhood has left scars both physical and mental and he's still struggling with the latter.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Has several scars across his left eye. They are remnants of his past; scars that were made before or during his powers surfacing.

Special abilities

Emotion Control (Rage) – The ability to intensify the emotion of rage in a target. Spreads in a gaseous form that allows multiple victims to be infected. The attack causes the target to become mindless in their anger and uncontrollably attack any within their vicinity. Lasts anywhere from a few minutes to hours depending on the level of infection.   Enhanced Reflexes – A reflex action, differently known as a reflex, is an involuntary and nearly instantaneous movement in response to a stimuli. A result of the adrenaline caused by the permanent rage inside him.   Enhanced Stamina – The ability to exert one’s self in an activity indefinitely without becoming tired and/or survive for long periods of time without consumption or water. A result of the adrenaline caused by the permanent rage inside him.   Enhanced Strength – The ability to have a level of strength much higher than normally possible given their proportions. A result of the adrenaline caused by the permanent rage inside him.   Enhanced Regeneration - Regeneration is the ability to survive major injuries that would not be able to handle. Another result of the constant adrenaline running through his body.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a laurel leaf crown and a ripped, red cloak over tactical army gear, with fur at the shoulders.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Finn grew up with an abusive father and a negligent family. His powers manifested age 7 in an event that saw his parents and entire neighbourhood killed. The built up rage within the small child manifested within an emotion-based power. When the authorities tried to contain him, he turned his anger on them too until finally he had to be shot down. When they discovered that he was rapidly healing from the gunshot, the police sedated him and faked his death in order to sell Finn on the black-market. The League of Heroes, having heard of the slaughter, stepped in to investigate and found Finn still alive. After removing Finn from police custody, they went to his next of kin to inform them that Finn would be taken into their custody and instead found that Finn’s cousin has also manifested similar emotion-based abilities and had her parents entrapped. Once that situation was defused, the family was happy to hand over both children. Finn grew up in Subter and various other super community locations since then.

Mental Trauma

After escaping his abusive childhood, he began to view his powerlessness in the face of his aggressors as an embarrassment and a permanent reminder of his weakness. He's become obsessive about being the strongest and eradicating all weakness within him.
Part of him is still that frightened child however, still that young boy that couldn't fight back. He sees it every time he gets in a fight, dreams of it when he sleeps and it creates a near fanatical drive within him and pushes him to be the strongest, the most powerful.

Intellectual Characteristics

arrogant, psychopathic, power hungry, narcissistic, manic, aggressive, violent, dry-witted, sarcastic

Morality & Philosophy

Finn doesn't have any moral centre anymore. He'll kill, he'll torture, he'll maim. Whatever it takes to accomplish his goal he will do. And he finds it all pretty fun. More than pretty fun actually, he has the time of his life doing all that.

Personality Characteristics


After being abused his entire life by his father and also being beaten down by the corrupt police that found him, Finn developed an obsession with being the strongest. In his mind, if someone kneels to you, they accept that you are stronger, the strongest. If they don’t kneel, they are refuting that, challenging it. Finn wants to whole world to kneel at his feet and accept that he is the strongest. He wants everyone to be subject to his whim and his control.

Virtues & Personality perks

Determined - willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish his goal, no matter the repercussions to others.

Vices & Personality flaws

No sense of loyalty since he seems himself as the most powerful and therefore people should be loyal to him not the other way around.
Somewhat desperate for love, or at least affection. Finn doesn't even realise this himself. He's not had any kind of affection for as long as he can remember. His mother didn't care, his father beat him, his cousin is an annoying pain, everyone in the communities is a bit scared of him because he's so aggressive. As a result Berserker has become starved for attention, he craves it but he doesn't even realise it. If he were given any he would most likely attach himself to the giver without recognising that he was doing so.


Contacts & Relations

Super Soldier - James is everything Finn hates in a person. He's good, he's wholesome and he wants to save the world from evil. Just the sight of him makes Finn want to smash his face repeatedly against a wall. Or the floor. Or with a brick. The fact that he can't do this without outing his true nature to those around him, means that for now Finn can only hurt James with words and taunts, which he does. Frequently.   Haxx - The closest thing Finn has to a friend in Subter. Haxx makes a good villain sidekick for him because she's just as willing to destroy for her goal and that goal doesn't negatively impact his own. One he takes over the world he'll give her a country or two to wreak havoc in and that's that.

Family Ties

Siren - Finn's cousin on his mother's side, they were taken into custody of the League of Heroes at the same time and grew up together. However, their contrasting personalities, outlooks and powers, has led to a competitive dislike between the two. That said Finn treats her worse than he actually feels about her. He finds her irritating at best.

Religious Views

That Ivory Faith will rot in whatever hell they think exists after Finn gets to them. Their crusade won't stop him and neither will their Grey Paladin. That one may at least provide Finn a decent challenge when he faces him.



Cousin (Trivial)

Towards Berserker




Cousin (Trivial)

Towards Siren



Current Residence
sly, red
Spiked, brown

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