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Suzie Weber (a.k.a. Siren)

Originally appearing as a cheerful and sweet girl, Suzie has a much, much darker side. There's a reason everyone in Subter avoids her. Her powers let her enslave anyone who hears her voice and she loves to use it. Her delight in tormenting her slaves would be terrifying enough if she didn't do it with a sickly sweet smile and bubbly attitude to go with it. Many in the camp have taken to carrying headphones just to avoid the admittedly temporary but still horrific fate. She's a sadistic Lolita hidden beneath a near childish façade.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Mind Control (voice) – The ability to control a person due to the characteristics of the person’s voice. In Suzie's case, this applies to her singing voice.   Emotion Control (love) – The ability to intensify the emotion of devotion in a target. The attack causes the target to become mindless lovestruck slaves, willing to do anything for their master. The song effects can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days depending on the level of intensity Suzie used, for example singing to a large group en-masse would last only a few hours whereas a song directed solely at one person with no outside distractions and eye contact could last up to a week. So far no one has been found yo have an immunity to her call but some have managed to resist it through sheer force of will.

Apparel & Accessories

She loves to wear pink and frilly clothing, and all her clothes look like she's trying to cosplay an anime magical girl.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Suzie grew up being ignored by her family. Her mother, like her aunt, was negligent and self-absorbed, paying no mind to her child. Her father worked constantly, never at home. She had no friends at school and her desperate need for love and affection, caused her powers to manifest age 7, roughly a week before her cousin, Finn. With both their powers being related to emotion manipulation, where his imbued rage, hers forced devotion. Her parents were her first puppets. When the League of Heroes arrived to inform Suzie's parents of Finn’s 'incident', they found the two in an entranced state, playing tea party with a giggling Suzie. Although they accepted Finn’s removal, they were adamant that Suzie remain with them. The League eventually succeeded in gaining custody of the girl after removing her parents from her influence for an extended period of time. Free from her spell, they happily relinquished custody.  From that point on Suzie entranced almost everyone that she knew, making them enslaved to her. The enslavement didn’t last long, a few hours at most, but for those close to her, like her parents had been, Suzie was always present to renew her song. Gradually Suzie’s obsession altered, became less oriented about making friends and more about making puppets to play with. She began to find amusement in toying with her puppets, delighting in their loss of will and lack of control.

Intellectual Characteristics

Whilst she is usually bubbly, happy and cheerful, Suzie adores making people into puppets that she can play with, that can be her friends and often shows a sadistic side once they are entrapped.

Morality & Philosophy

Suzie understands right and wrong, she just doesn't seem to think they apply to her or any situation involving her. Where she might condemn a crime in another location, if she or someone aligned with her did the same thing, all she would get from the situation is amusement. She lacks empathy but still maintains her cheerful demeanour, resulting in a chill contrast between her words and her manner.

Personality Characteristics


Suzie wants to make as many puppets as she can, to play with her and more importantly for her to play with. If she had her way the whole world would love her and she could play with anyone she wanted. Everyone would love her and adore her, no matter what because they wouldn't have a choice! There's also the added bonus that if she takes over the world, then Finn can't.
Her cousin wants to rule the world to prove he's the strongest. Suzie's would do it just to beat him. And once everyone is hers, she can rub it in Finn's face forever.


Contacts & Relations

Super Soldier - James is a stick in the mud. He never wants to have fun and is always so serious! Even though Suzie can't stand him and his goody-two shoes persona, he's strong and she needs strong if she's going to beat her cousin. So she'll stick close to James for now. Until he doesn't have any more use or she find's someone better.

Family Ties

Finn - Suzie's cousin on her mother's side, they were taken into custody of the League of Heroes at the same time and grew up together. However, their contrasting personalities, outlooks and powers, has led to a competitive dislike between the two. Suzie shows Finn more affection than she feels for him, mainly just to annoy him.



Cousin (Trivial)

Towards Berserker




Cousin (Trivial)

Towards Siren



Current Residence
Pink, creepy
Pink and elaborate
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Character Prototype

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