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The Tea Leaf Union

The Tea Leaf Union is a labor union headquartered in Gilbrand. Its origin lies in the negotiations for better working condition for the tea harvesters near Gilbrand. However, today the labor union is simply a front for the most widespread and influential criminal organization in Middenheim. The Head of the Union is Dmitry Lightfoot, a stout Halfling with a strong heart but an even bigger ego.  


  Due to the underground nature of its work, the tea leaf union is generally organized in cells led by a boss. Each boss reports back to headquarters, but they are given pretty wide latitude of decision making so long as they maintain consistent with the Code.


  The Union is unique in its motivations as far as thieves guilds are concerned. It retains much of its original labor union principles from its origin, thus unlike most other thieves guilds, the Tea Leaf Union primary principle is that it will never steal from the poor and miserable, but rather it will steal and cheat from the rich and wealthy, and will often redistribute the ill-gotten gains among the poorest denizens of their domains, of course after they take their own cut. Union members, although more altruistic than your common thief, Union members are still proudly thieves and scoundrels.


  The Union abides by a code of ethics, and thus its methods generally will comport with the primary tenants of the Union Code. Punishment for violating the code can range from fees and fines, to excommunication from the Union, and finally even death depending on what the infraction is. Thus, even though Union member will act outside the legal constraints of their sovereign, the Union still follow its own laws strictly.   Often, Tea Leaf Unions will be responsible for gambling rings, thefts and burglaries of wealthy merchants and noblemen. Members of the Union tend to be some of the most well informed people in a town as they are usually working some sort of angle, but they will only speak with Union members about what they know.   Union Member will rarely engage in violence and tend to prefer employing more refined methods. Thus, rarely Union member will engage in robberies or kidnappings, preferring burglaries and cons.

The Union Code:

  All members of the union must follow a simple code of ethics, If a boss spots a member violating any of these rules, they will generally be brought to headquarters to face "The Boss" and answer for their indiscretions.  

The Code

  1. You have no family, the Union is your family now.
  2. You live for your new family.
  3. Loose lips lead to lost tongues.
  4. Never take from the needy.
  5. Give generously to the needy.
  6. The Boss's word is final.
  7. Never gamble without being good for it.
  8. Don't get too drunk.
  9. A promise to another member is sacred.
  10. The Union takes care of their own.