Bands of Brothers Organization in Mundus | World Anvil
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Bands of Brothers

The Bands of Brothers are a loose alliance of wildling clans. The term wildling can be a little deceiving as many among them are decked out knights and civilized people. For that reason they would better be characterized as mercenary clans that roamed the wilds. Little is known about their nomadic life, but they first enter history when the Angmarian orc King Thorek sent his brothers Uruk and Varkrass across the Red Waste with a large portion of their army in 1353. This left his home province of Geldrin weakened, giving The Bands of Brothers the opportunity to invade this realm. They conquered the ruins of the remaining cities of the realm, rebuilding them into proper homes. Never at ease with the Angmarians, their lands were always troubled with warbands and raids. This changed when The Night's Watch entered the region through the eastern gate of Mazaar in 1395. An alliance was forged between the Bands of Brothers (with the exception of the Black band) and the Night's Watch, and together stormed the keep of Angmar and ended Thorek's reign with his decapitation.   After this victory a the alliance betweend the Bands and the Watch only strengthened, with the Night's Watch offering shelter to the Bands when they were forced to flee by a Nordmarian orc invaders led by the powerful mage Azhidal. The Red Band were offered land near Orcia, the Green Band were offered a region in the Southern Wild and the Blue Band settled in Eagle's keep in the Northern Frontier. The Green Band perished in a sudden assault by the Wild Hunt several years later. Nowadays the Bands function as semi-autonomous fiefdoms within the framework of the Night's Watch.  

The different Bands

  • The Red Band. The Red Band was led by Jafar the Bear (who perished in the Wild Hunt) and used to live in the city of Tumnosh. They boast a range of fearless warriors, who are among the best wrestlers in the world, and archers.
  • The Green Band. The clan of the Monkey was based in the city of Shornhelm and led by Ma'iq. They were famous for their swift striking cavalry. After their expulsion from Geldrin they settled at Cape Lund in the Southern Wilds, near Okara. This became their downfall, when the Wild Hunt appeared in the region and destroyed most of their people.
  • The Black Band. The Black Scorpion Band was famous for mingling with orcs and during the war against Thorek they sided with the Angmarian king. For this they were purged from their town of Ozan by the other Bands, but reports have shown they are vying for favor with the new orc lords of the region.
  • The Blue Band. The Eagle adourns the shields and banners of the Blue Band. They are the remnants of the once proud people of the Kingdom of Thedas and have preserved their honoured tradition of knighthood. In Geldrin they held the town of Ekrund, but nowadays they are based at Eagle's Keep in the Northern Frontier in between Dragon's Keep and Gorgorath.
  • The Purple Band. The Band of the Lion was based as Azgal, but they have vanished after the invasion of Azhidal. Little is known about their whereabouts, but it is certain that they have not migrated across the Red Waste with the other Bands.
Geopolitical, Clan
Controlled Territories


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