Dragon's Keep Settlement in Mundus | World Anvil
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Dragon's Keep

At the Northern Frontier of the The Watchlands stands the solemn fortress of Dragon's Keep. It is the strongest bulwark of the The Night's Watch and has held fast against many foes.   In the days of the old Kingdom of Gotha it mainly held off wildling and orc attacks, but its walls have had to accomodate a number of foes since then. Because of its northern position it also was the main defensive stronghold against the necromancers of Gorgorath and the Great Nordmarian Invasion, when it housed the forces of the entire coalition of the Westfork.    Dragon's keep is the administrative and military center of the Northern Frontier chapter and in that respect usually houses the Ranger brigades; elite troops trained in guerilla warfare in the Wilds. On an economic level it is responsible for the main supply of lumber and hides within the Watchlands.
Military, Base
Location under
Owning Organization


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