Eagle's Keep Settlement in Mundus | World Anvil
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Eagle's Keep

Long had this keep lay abandoned, when eventually the Blue Band of the Bands of Brothers settled here. After the Nordmarian invasion of Geldrin by Azhidal the Blue Band fled Ekrund to The Watchlands due to their longstanding alliance. These proud knights felt uneasy in liege to The Night's Watch, so Marcus Vardenfell found them a solution. In recent years he had vanquished the necromancers of Gorgorath, heightening the security of the Northern Frontier. A few necromancers had fled to the abandoned keep at the coast of Ran Aegir bay. The Night's Watch and the Blue Band drove the evil forces from the keep and the lands were given to the Blue Band as a fief. So Eagle's Keep was born.        The keep is located on a cliff overlooking the vast bay or Ran Aegir. Close to it a small path leads to a natural harbour were ships can land. Under management of the Blue Band the keep has been restored and a small port constructed. Farmlands were sown nearby and Eagle's keep now houses a fairly small, but thriving community.
Military, Base
Location under
Owning Organization


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