Jorah Greyskin Character in Mundus | World Anvil
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Jorah Greyskin

Chaptermaster Jorah (a.k.a. Greyskin)


Jorah Greyskin grew up a scavenger on the streets of Windhelm. Among the street urchins, he stood out as the one who had knack for leading them and getting them to do things that mostly benefited himself. During his teen years the wars of the The Night's Watch were taking their toll on the economy of Windhelm and there was less to scavenge for. Out of hunger and poverty he signed up with the Night's Watch. He already knew how to wield knives from his time on the streets and soon got the hang of sword fighting. During his time as a foot soldier he impressed his superiors with his tact and eloquence of speech and was promoted as the personal assistant of the commander of his regiment. When his commander died during the Oblivion Crisis he was named his replacement. This consequently led to his promotion to Chaptermaster of Okara.   Jorah greatly enjoyed this post and the nearby Myrtanian culture. He soon dabbled in the politics of the Myrtanian courts and even was one of the first Watchmen to convert to the faith of Innos, gaining him a foothold at the Fire Monastery's court.   He tried to use that foothold to politic around the Conclave of the church of Innos following the death of the High Flame in 1428. This led to his early demise as he perished in the large explosion that destroyed most of the Fire Monastery and the upper echelon of the Church of Innos in 1431.   


Although Jorah knows how to wield a sword, he is better off the battlefield than on it. Jorah has developed a keen eye to the arts of diplomacy and manipulation.  


Jorah always seeks to control the situation he is in. Either through holding something over the heads of those present, or knowing more than they do. When he fails at this, he can grow skittish or nervous. He likes the abundance of luxury and has picked up noble customs like falcon hunting.  


What matters most to Jorah is Jorah. He has seen the gutters and the riches and knows he will always opt for the riches. He is a pragmatist pur sang.  




Jorah is prone to greed and self-interest. If his own goals align with those of the Night's Watch he can prove a valuable asset, but if not, he can prove an undermining schemer.  


Jorah has gotten good connections at the Court of the Fire Monastery.
Current Location
Date of Death
1431, Summer
1406 3E 1431 3E 25 years old
Circumstances of Death
The fiery explosion at the Conclave of the Chantry of Fire


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