Okara Settlement in Mundus | World Anvil
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Okara is a castle in the south of Myrtana. It borders the Southern Wilds and was erected in a gap of the Talon Mountains to protect the Myrtanian mainland from any wildling or orc invaders. Situated in the low lands, it keeps a vigil watch over any would-be invader, so the farmers can do their work in peace.   The castle used to be part of the Kingdom of Myrtana, but changed hands to The Night's Watch during the Oblivion Crisis. As Lutetia lay besieged by a portal to the realm of Mehrunes Dagon, Marcus Vardenfell offered its aid to the Lutetian dukes in return for the castle. As the Angeloi family had little choice they accepted the offer and the Night's Watch closed the portal and drove the Daedric invaders off.      Ever since Okara has been a chapter of The Watchlands. In order to connect this remote outpost with the rest of the realm, Vardenfell constructed the Great Western Highway from Denerim to Okara. This allowed for easier trade with Myrtana. During the Wild Hunt Okara was sacked by beastmen. The castle is still recovering.
Military, Base
Location under
Owning Organization
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