Lee Lannister Character in Mundus | World Anvil
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Lee Lannister

Prince of Myrtana

Lee Lannister was the eldest son of Rhobar II of the Kingdom of Myrtana. As such, he was groomed for the throne from a young age. He proved himself a cunning and tactical mastermind. This was first and foremost demonstrated during the Assassin's War and the Battle of Longfields, where he decimated the troops of the Kingdom of Gotha. Apart from this Lee also served as prime general in much of the colony wars against Zemeria and the Zemerian invasion of Faring and Trelis.   Lee would however not live to see himself become king. Following the Zemerian invasion and the Oblivion Crisis, the Angelosi dukes of Lutetia are dissatisfied with what they view as the incompetent Lannister kings. They use their fragile position to launch a rebellion against Rhobar II and are aided in this by their newfound allies: The Night's Watch. They catch the king in Vengard and execute him. Lee and the remaining Lannister forces found themselves forced to flee and set up camp in Mulandir, where he plotted his return to the throne. Marcus Vardenfell and Tacitus I Angelos pursued him however and in 1401 cornered his forces. Despite his fierce resistance Lee fell in that battle, ending the Lannister bloodline.
1359 3E 1401 3E 42 years old


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