Soren Azohr Character in Mundus | World Anvil
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Soren Azohr

Director of Exotic Trade Azohr

Soren Azohr is a famed magic user throughout The Watchlands from the wealthy Azohr merchant family. From an early age he joined the mages at the Wayspire for his magical education, where he quickly grew in fame. It was during his Permit exam where he revealed his true potential to Shalidor Artenzan, conjuring a pride demon and binding it to his will. His taste for adventure combined with his economic education would lead him to the Windhelm Trading Company. In name of the Trading Company, he traveled around the globe to exchange knowledge with foreign academics, leading expeditions to more remote parts of the world.   During his years of travel he specialized himself in exotic materials, providing The Night's Watch with an alternative synthesis method of Soul Gems. With his fame, he quickly attained the position of "Director on Exotic (Magical) Trade", becoming the Trading Company's prime responsible on the subject. In addition, he maintained his connections with Shalidor Artenzan, who named him a "Prime Examinator" of the Wayspire College. Soren has recruited a group of mages to continue his research on exotic materials.      As Director of Exotic (Magical) Trade from the Trading Company, he hired Captain Lennard Rye for an expedition to the mystic island of Rhunaar. After Rye and his crew (The Resourceful Ones) exploring the island for multiple weeks, Soren receives word the island hosts a vein of Lyrium. This persuades Soren to supervise the expedition himself, sailing to the island himself with a wave of reinforcements.

Mental characteristics


Soren received magical education at the Wayspire, while receiving a degree in Economics at the College of Windhelm.

Intellectual Characteristics

Soren is a critical thinker basing his judgements on results. People often see him as cynical, with Soren leaving little room for error for his subordinates.


Social Aptitude

Soren is viewed as an elitist by his peers, leaving very little room for error and believing only the most prominent of mages should be allowed to practice outside the confinements of the Wayspire.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1422 3E 48 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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