Wayspire Settlement in Mundus | World Anvil
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The building of the Wayspire was commissioned in 1400, when Marcus Vardenfell was contacted by Shalidor Artenzan for harborage of him and his fellow Zemerian mages. In 1402 the settlement was largely finished and from then on functioned as the center of magical research for The Watchlands. One year later, the Wayspire was officially named a Chapter of  The Night's Watch.  


The Wayspire is located near the Great Wilderness Highway, halfway between Karak Azul and Orsinium. It serves as the Night's Watch's frontier against southern treats, among which the Talon Mountain giants. During the times of the Wild Hunt, it served as the main base of operations for the rangers to thread into the Southern Wilds.  


The Wayspire is the center for magical research and practice within the Watchlands. It holds three important roles within the Night's Watch, summarized nicely in "Magicians and the Watchlands: A Watcher's Tenets" by Thrask Thornhold . As the role of magic has grown within the Watchland society, so has the importance of the Wayspire.  
  1. To Serve Man, not Thyself. A value most dearest to me, something both Watchers & magicians should caress. A magician serves as a tool for society and may enjoy rights & privileges, but ultimately serves a purpose higher than its own. As not all mages have accepted this role bestowed upon them, the Wayspire serves to educate them.
  2. To Ward from the World those that would bring Harm upon it. Apart from educating magicians in the arts of magic, the Wayspire educates magicians in their expected roles from the Watchland society. As some wild magicians must first be tempered and nurtured, the Wayspire safeguards the realm against magicians not ready to enjoy it.
  3. To Guard the Realms of Man against the Ominous.The Wayspire is a bastion at our, current, southern frontier. We Wayspire Watchers and magicians guard the realms of men from many ominous treats. To illustrate our importance, think about the Talon Mountain trolls & giants, and the Southern Wildeners.
Magicians and the Watchlands: A Watcher's Tenets - Thrask Thornhold


The Wayspire is home to the magicians of the Night's Watch and the Wayspire Watchers, who ensure the mages act according to the Wayspire Conduct. While all schools of magic are practiced at some level, their greatest expertise is found in Abjuration & Conjuration. The relics & studies retrieved from the Arcanium have proven invaluable in their discoveries. Marcus Vardenfell has placed a particular emphasis on the schools of Illusion & Destruction, to train Battlemages to join their ranks, which was continued by Eduard Stark.


The Chapter of the Wayspire is governed by its Chaptermaster, Thrask Thornhold. The magicians inhabiting the Wayspire do have a hierarchy, with their leader and prime representative being Shalidor Artenzan.


This mighty fortress has high walls and a great moat. Surrounding the keep is a walled town serving as a trade-hub between the Orsinians and Watchlanders.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Watcher's Spire
Location under
Owning Organization

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