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Guy de la Pole (Gee de la p-ohl)

Descendant of a Frenchified Welshman who's family fled to France at the end of the First Welsh War of Independence of 1282 (Rhyfel Annibyniaeth Cymru 1282). His family supported the Welsh Prince Llywelyn ap Gruffudd in his conflict against Edward Longshanks of England.   Formerly prominent landowners in Powys, Cymru. The Pwyl lands were confiscated following the Battle of Orewin Bridge, where a large contingent of the Pwyl family's Teulu was supporting Llywelyn's incursions into South Wales. The surviving Pwyl family member, Gruffudd ap Rhydderch, escaping in a monk's cowl stolen from one of the slain Welsh clergymen was able to sail for France and with the aid of a small loan from the King - was able to re-establish the dynasty in it's new home.   The seventh generation of the de la Pole family in France (formerly the Pwyl family in Cymru).   Firm friend of Rudy Rideau of the Loire Valley.   His ancestor, Bleddyn of Pwyl fled Cymru at the end of 1282 following the collapse of the Welsh Prince Llywelyn ap Gruffudd. Bleddyn was among the first of Llywelyn's vassal lords upon his declaration and acceptance as Prince of Wales. During Llywelyn's years of supremacy, Bleddyn's son Meurig ap Bleddyn commanded Llywelyn's forces in Powys, harrying English advances, and commanded the Welsh troopers Llywelyn dispatched to assist Simon de Montfort at the Battles of Lewisham and Lewes.   The de la Pole family has over the previous generations established itself as a supporter of the King of France with minor nobility status. Gifted lands within the Loire Valley, the de la Pole's actively participated in the wars against the English and were dispatched to Cymru to support the war of Owain Glyndwr, King of Wales.   Guy is the fifth son of Hugh de la Pole, and as such was considered an "extra" in terms of succession. This allowed Guy a degree of freedom to pursue his own path which led him to join the Scarlotti's Academy in Paris and become a Musketeer. Reuniting with his childhood friend Rudy Rideau of the Loire Valley, the two became famed for their skills (and rather irrational defense of all things Loire).   Following graduation, Rudy arranged for Guy to enlist in the Rideau family household guard to gain experience and earn reputation.   Guy's early years were spent on his family's estate in the Loire Valley. A somewhat sensitive child, Guy would become frustrated when witnessing injustices he was powerless to change. These experiences shaped his strong sense of duty and justice. Often intervened on behalf of younger boys in scuffles and repeated the act countless times in Rudy's defence at the Academie. Took part in The Cleansing of the Loire alongside Rudy Rideau around the time of his 16th birthday and prior to enrolling at the Academie in Paris.   Guy has an unkempt shock of red hair, belaying his Celtic heritage and marking him out further as someone different. His prominent, pock-marked nose dominates his face. Has high cheekbones and a strong jawline which is bordered by a well kept beard and moustache.


Rudy Rideau

Best Friend

Towards Guy de la Pole


Guy de la Pole

Best Friend

Towards Rudy Rideau




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