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The Cleansing of the Loire

A short campaign undertaken by soldiers of the House of Rideau against brigands, bandits and outlaws rampaging across the Loire Valley.   Ordered by Renaud Rideau and led by Charles Buciqueau , it was to be Rudy Rideau and Guy de la Pole 's first taste of true combat.   Consisting of the several battles around the Loire Valley. Won the Lord of the Loire much respect with the King and boosted his social standing.  

1. The Skirmish at Angers

Rideau Household Brigands
Charles Buciqueau Unknown
Rudy Rideau
Guy de la Pole
Strength Strength
75* approx. 100

* Blois Household Delegation: 12 Non-combatants.
: Rideau Household Victory
Casualties Rideau : Light
Casualties Brigands : Heavy

Farms and Chateaus near Angers were suffering heavily from raids conducted by brigands and outlaws fleeing Northwards from Southern France. Cattle and grain were stolen or killed in the chaos. Renaud Rideau, the Lord of the Loire demanded that order be restored. He dispatched the Captain of his Guards and Swordmaster to his young son Rudy - Charles Buciqueau, his son Rudy and his companion Guy de la Pole along with a company of his household troopers to bring the brigands to justice. A special delegation from the House of Blois was in attendance to watch the young Rudy, who was betrothed to the youngest daughter of Blois, Sandrine de Blois.   Setting out from the fortress, Charles saw smoke rising from a nearby farmstead and turned the company towards it. The heavily armed mounted troopers of the Rideau household came swiftly to the scene to find a band of ragged refugees armed with clubs and hooks running amok with sacks of grain, crockery, bundles of cloth and the farmer's daughters.   The raiders numbered approximately 100 but showed no signs of military nous or organisation. Charles formed his troopers up in a wedge formation and charged towards the farmhouse. The young Master Rudy rode in the second line next to Guy and could clearly be seen enjoying himself as he cut down laden fugitives with his blade. As the troopers reached the yard outside the burning building, they dismounted to find the brigands formed up and encircling them. Hefting his shield in his off-hand, Charles ordered the formation of a battle line and within moments had his men ready to rush the disorganised foe. Ordering Rudy and Guy to remain mounted to pursue any runners, he set off at a steady march beating his shield with his sword as his men followed.   Charles flailed at the enemy with wild strokes, tearing through flesh and bone as he went. The outlaws could not stand the assault and within moments they broke and fled in all directions.   Spotting the men who had shown some semblance of leadership escaping as a group, Charles signalled to Rudy and Guy to give chase. The outlaws would scatter and be less dangerous without their leadership. Spurring their horses, the young men gave chase. Followed closely by Lord Rideau's personal bodyguard, they sped through the yard and out into the fields in pursuit.   The two young men chased the fleeing bandits through a lightly wooded ravine and into a clearing. The wily, older men knew the impetuous youths would be eager for glory and grabbed the branches of nearby trees as they broke into the clearing, pulling the branches with them. As the tension increased and the yelling boys neared, the bandits released their holds on the branches and sent them speeding back towards the young men, unhorsing both with a particularly nasty crunch. Dazed and reeling, and with blood beginning to cloud his vision, Rudy sprang to his feet and brandished the Couer de Leon, flailing it about wildly in all directions. He heard the sounds of exaggerated laughter from the bandits as they circled him, chuckling at each missed lunge and spin.   Roaring like a lion, and with blood from his head wound now trickling heavily down onto his shoulders and staining his cape red, Rudy continued to thrash about in a desperate attempt to keep the men from ending his life. A moment later, his wrist jarred as one of the bandits swung his blade at the Couer de Leon. With his limited vision, the shock of the blow caused Rudy to lose his grip and the prized blade was sent rattling into the undergrowth.   Startled, Rudy began to whimper and shrank as he backed away. In an almost dream-like state he heard the thunder of approaching hoofs followed swiftly by the cries of a single dying man. A short silence followed, then Rudy heard the patter of footsteps receding away into the wilds as the remaining leaders fled. Rudy's haze was shattered by the urgent calling of his master, Charles. The old man swiftly dismounted and cooed as he checked his blood soaked and bedraggled lion cub for serious wounds. As Rudy and Charles lifted the unconscious Guy onto his horse, the head of the de Blois delegation trotted into the clearing. Seeing the disarmed, snivelling and sheepish young man, he frowned. A short argument followed between the man and Charles, who insisted his charge had acted as bravely as a lion, with the pride of the bearer of the Oriflamme. The de Blois representative disagreed and blamed Rudy for the escape of the bandits. The decision was made to cancel his betrothal there and then, and without even a courtesy visit to Lord Rideau in Angers, the delegation set off along the valley to Blois, disgusted.   Charles and the guard returned to Angers to allow Guy time to recover when news of an attack on the town of Saumur arrived. Renaud Rideau assembled his troopers under Charles once again. Rudy, reunited with his prized rapier and the now recovered Guy, was given a chance to redeem himself.  

2.The Salvation of Saumur

Rideau Household Brigands of Saumur
Officers; Officers;
Charles Buciqueau Unknown
Rudy Rideau
Guy de la Pole
Strength Strength
300 Approx. 1,000
Casualties Casualties
Light 300 killed, 100 captured
Result Rideau Household Victory

3. Encirclement at Oiron

Rideau Household Bandits of Oiron
Officers; Officers;
Charles Buciqueau
Rudy Rideau
Guy de la Pole
Strength; Strength;
150 + Light Troopers from the Lord of Oiron's Army 500
Casualties; Casualties;
12 95
    4. Skirmish at Chinon
      5. Freeing of Villandry
        6. Slaughter at Blois


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