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Rudy Rideau (Roo-Dee Ridd-elle or Ridd-d'oh)

Rudy Rideau (a.k.a. Red Lion of the Loire (Lion Rouge de Loire), Signeur Vaucoleur)


  Known as the "Red Lion of the Loire" (Lion Rouge de Loire). The flamboyant first son of the Lord of the Loire Valley. One of the finest swordsmen in the region, his nickname is derived from his leadership and ferocity in battle and his modified surcoat which is half-red to represent the ancient Oriflamme of France. Impulsive and ostentatious, Rudy's unpredictability makes him an unknown quantity on the battlefield. When leading by example, Rudy can inspire an entire army to victory. However, can be uninterested at times which has led to several reversals in his military career. Rudy's family sponsored his education at both the L’Académie du Tarasque and Scarlotti's Academy, where he quickly earned a reputation as a fierce duelist.   Seen as something of a backwater country bumpkin by his Parisienne companions, Rudy can often be prickly and sensitive when the reputation of the Loire is concerned. Rudy remains fiercely proud of his beginnings and can hold himself and others to unrealistic standards. Whilst studying in Paris, Rudy struck up a firm friendship and bond with Guy de la Pole. Guy was the son of a Frenchified Welshman, whose family arrived in France at the end of the Welsh Wars of Independence in 1409. Rudy and Guy, while firm friends, drove each other on to greater feats at the Academies and Guy in particular, holds the Scarlotti Academy record for the most blows dealt without return - an astonishing 31. The two bonded due to their 'outsider' status with many of the Parisienne students and nobility, the two were inseparable and one was always ready to defend the other and kill for them if required. Guy, though his family is of minor status, served with Rudy in the Rideau household guard and was involved in the incident with the brigands. Now a Musketeer himself, Guy operates within the Palace of the King as an integral member of the King's personal bodyguard.   Patriotic and loyal to a fault. Rudy's principles often make his choices clear, and he often follows his heart in his quest for fame and glory to the folk of the Loire, whose reputation rests upon his shoulders. Can become easily frustrated as he begins to understand that men like him are made to fight and die for a Nation, not to forge it.   Rudy is fond of the quiet life. Though his family wields much power in the politics of the Loire and France herself, he prefers to see himself as an everyman. When assigned tasks, he is workmanlike and professional - but he values his respite. Making sure to properly recover and remain in peak-fighting condition between assignments.   His mother, Eleanor de Montblanc is a woman of noble birth from the Montblanc family of the Loire.   Has 2 brothers Gaston Rideau, 14 years. Phillipe Rideau, 13 years - and a baby sister, Isabelle Rideau (14 months).  

First Active Campaign;

(The Lion's Trial)   At the age of 16, and returned to his father's palace for summer, Rudy was betrothed to the daughter of a neighboring Loire Valley Lord. The Lord of Blois. Shortly afterwards, a number of raids had occurred on allied farmsteads across the Loire Valley by bands of brigands fleeing northwards from the war. Lord Renaud Rideau dispatched his trusted general Charles Buciqueau along with a troop of his household guard to slaughter the bandits and bring their leaders to justice. Rudy, having newly been gifted his valued Rapier, Couer de Lion (Lionheart), was eager to impress his future father in law and win renown and so begged his father to allow him along on the campaign. Charles, ever given to spoiling the young man, lobbied his father to allow him to come. He assured him no harm would come to the boy and Lord Rideau relented. Sending Rudy, Guy and Charles along with a delegation from the House of Blois to restore the King's peace.   Thus followed, the The Cleansing of the Loire. It was during the skirmish outside Angers that Rudy and Guy, send by Charles to pursue the fleeing bandit leaders would alter the course of their lives. The two young men chased the fleeing bandits through a lightly wooded ravine and into a clearing. The wily, older men knew the impetuous youths would be eager for glory and grabbed the branches of nearby trees as they broke into the clearing, pulling the branches with them. As the tension increased and the yelling boys neared, the bandits released their holds on the branches and sent them speeding back towards the young men, unhorsing both with a particularly nasty crunch.   Dazed and reeling, and with blood beginning to cloud his vision, Rudy sprang to his feet and brandished the Couer de Leon, flailing it about wildly in all directions. He heard the sounds of exaggerated laughter from the bandits as they circled him, chuckling at each missed lunge and spin.   Roaring like a lion, and with blood from his head wound now trickling heavily down onto his shoulders and staining his cape red, Rudy continued to thrash about in a desperate attempt to keep the men from ending his life. A moment later, his wrist jarred as one of the bandits swung his blade at the Couer de Leon. With his limited vision, the shock of the blow caused Rudy to lose his grip and the prized blade was sent rattling into the undergrowth.   Startled, Rudy began to whimper and shrank as he backed away. In an almost dream-like state he heard the thunder of approaching hoofs followed swiftly by the cries of a single dying man. A short silence followed, then Rudy heard the patter of footsteps receding away into the wilds as the remaining leaders fled. Rudy's haze was shattered by the urgent calling of his master, Charles. The old man swiftly dismounted and cooed as he checked his blood soaked and bedraggled lion cub for serious wounds. As Rudy and Charles lifted the unconscious Guy onto his horse, the head of the de Blois delegation trotted into the clearing. Seeing the disarmed, snivelling and sheepish young man, he frowned. A short argument followed between the man and Charles, who insisted his charge had acted as bravely as a lion, with the pride of the bearer of the Oriflamme. The de Blois representative disagreed and blamed Rudy for the escape of the bandits. The decision was made to cancel his betrothal there and then, and without even a courtesy visit to Lord Rideau in Angers, the delegation set off along the valley to Blois, disgusted.   Ashamed, Rudy and Guy with him made the decision to head to Paris at the Campaign's end and enroll as a Musketeer at the end of the Campaign, despite the fact that he and Guy had acquitted themselves well in the following skirmishes. He would prove himself worthy, perhaps not of Sandrine de Blois, that opportunity had gone, but to another perhaps - and to his father and Charles.   Arriving in Paris, he spent a few weeks visiting the various fencing schools operating within the city. He found the techniques of the Scarlotti and Tarasque academies most interesting and with the intention of graduating from whichever of the two he preferred, he quickly grew to love both styles and completed his studies at both schools.  

Career in the Musketeers


The Missing Army - The Road to Colera;

(The Lion's Assignment)   Embarking on his first special assignment, Rudy was assigned to the investigative team sent to Cerbere in the hopes of discovering the fate of an army of 16,000 under the command of Lord D'Foix. On the road, he joined the party, led by Oscar D'Foix, the son of the missing general who was accompanied by an odd Welshman and a fellow youth. One of the party, the famed Jean De Loungville had taken a wound from a group of crafty were-rats and had retired to his home to recover before Rudy had the chance to meet him.   A few days journey further, as the team approached Montauban, they happened upon a lone woman travelling, reputedly to visit her aunt in Aux(sp?). After humiliating the Welshman, Cadwallon, the female revealed herself to be Helene Bourgois. Rudy, giving a false name to the woman (Signeur Vaucoleur), immediately remembered her as the son of a powerful Lord within the Loire Valley, a potential rival to his father.   Continuing on to Montauban, the group escorted Helene to the city where she told the group she would travel on to Aux. There, she gave Rudy and the party a valuable ring if he would disclose his true name. Rudy relents and discloses his identity. Without much further discussion, Helene departs.   Rudy assisted Cadwallon in repairing firearms at the Lord of Carcassone's fortress in order to free Oscar, who had been taken on suspicion of conspiring with his father.   At Cerbere, while searching for information on the missing army, the team was attacked by a gang of thugs who had orders to kill any d'Foix found in the city. Rudy boosted Cadwallon onto the rooftops to provide overwatch and flew into battle against the debonaire bandits. He tripped up the first bandit before delivering a killing blow and turned his attentions to the thug assailing Oscar. Rudy disarmed the man and as he turned to flee, he tripped the man to send him crashing to the ground. Oscar immediately leapt on top of the man to detain him while Rudy wheeled across the street and drew his Musketoon. His time with the expert Welsh marksman had clearly paid off, and Rudy was able to guide his musket-ball through the forehead of the final bandit, sneaking up on Cadwallon on the rooftops.   The battle won, Oscar, Rudy and Cadwallon began their interrogation of the bandit. Hoping to learn all they could about Oscar's father's fate.   Learning that their foes were under orders to kill all d'Foix, the team crossed the border to "Name of town". Outside the town, the team decided to take shelter in a farmhouse. The occupants of which, they deceived into believing them Inquisitors. During the night, Rudy awoke to find Corentin and Cadwallon awake and outside in the courtyard - and nearing shrieks of terror.   Under attack from a number of Wraiths, Rudy slashed furiously at one of the apparitions that greeted him as he attempted to leave the farmhouse. Feeling no resistance to his blade, he kept the enemies at bay as best he could. Suddenly, Corentin burst from the house carrying a lit candle, which he shoved into the face of the Wraith on the farmhouse decking. Oscar, now returned from scouting the upstairs, handed Rudy a burning torch from the hearth inside. Rudy swung the brand furiously at two new apparitions who had appeared, rendering each in its turn to ashes. The witch in command of the Wraiths, once their aura had diminished, revealed herself as Lia D'Foix (a Sister of Oscar), and accompanied them into Cholera - swearing revenge on the inquisitors and the Spanish for the crimes against her family.  


(The Lion's Coming of Age)   Arriving at Cholera, the Musketeers headed straight for the Church. Rudy, attempting to remain nonchalant and keep from arousing the suspicion of the monks within, went straight to the altar to cross himself while his companions (Oscar, primarily) attempted to negotiate in Latin with the Abbott. Following a short stand-off with Lea outside the Abbott's office, Rudy relents and enters the small room. As the Abbott continues to warn the group of the dangers awaiting them - a strange force compresses the room momentarily.   Nervous, Rudy interjects into the conversation that while he acknowledges the old man's warnings - his duty as a Musketeer must take precedence. He asks that the old man refrain from compacting the room again at the same moment the otherwordly feeling returns.   "But, I did not compress the room Monsieur" Came the old man's reply, as the walls appeared to buckle around them.   As the room contracted again to the sound of explosives, Rudy leapt behind a large table near the door and took cover. The wall leading into the main atrium had completely collapsed and a glance over the table showed a large group of bandits waiting for them among the pews. Rudy looked to the office door for an attempt to flank the enemy. Before he could react, a musket ball came careering through the wooden panels of the door, missing him by a blades width. Realising the net was closing in on them, Rudy sprang into action, following Oscar into the Atrium.   Rudy drew his loaded musketoon and took aim at one of the enforcers. The shot was good and the man was taken from his feet as he approached the dais upon which Rudy stood behind the plinth. Two further enforcers closed on the dais and attempted to flank Rudy, but his lightning fast reflexes allowed him to cut down the first enemy as he approached for a strike. Parrying the second man's blow, Rudy felt a surge of energy flow through him as Lia, who was busy casting spells in the Abbot's office. With renewed vigour, Rudy instantly struck down the second man assaulting him with a flash of the Couer de Leon before leaping across the atrium towards a pair of attackers. Rudy thrust his trusty rapier through the neck of the first new enemy and using his momentum, drove the man back towards the rear wall of the Atrium, alongside one of his comrades. As Rudy drove the first enemy, choking on his own blood as it seeped around the blade of the Couer de Leon, he unsheathed his dagger and flashed a bloody, evil smile at the second man and drove the blade through the second man's neck. Watching both men flounder as they spluttered their last breaths, Rudy gave both blades a heroic flick to rid the blades of excess blood and with a flash of his scarlet cape, turned to face the next of the oncomers.   Meanwhile, a wounded Oscar, in a fit of rage hewed about the atrium at a number of assailants. Grunting with the exertion and his wounds, he soldiered on bravely towards what appeared to be the last of the attackers and with a primal howl, relieved the man of his head. It was then that the Raven appeared with a battalion of snipers and filed them throughout the Church. They took aim at Oscar, Lia and Cadwallon in the main atrium.   Rudy, over to the left hand side of the atrium and looking down a long corridor that ran alongside the atrium and back towards the main entrance. Rudy stalked down the corridor with his trusted rapier and shortsword drawn and crouched behind a staircase where he heard one of the enemy reinforcements kicking his heels. He leapt the banister and ran the man through with his shortsword. Wiping the blade clean, he sneaked up the stairs to the second floor balcony and the sound of gunshots.   At the top of the stairs, Rudy saw a striking woman firing an odd-looking crossbow down into the atrium at his comrades. Though it appeared she had not noticed him, she began slowly moving towards the staircase. Muttering a number of threats that were surely directed at Rudy, she called him out from his hiding place. Obliging, Rudy roared and charged from the top of the stairs. He launched a flurry of blows towards the beautiful assassin but she was equal to every blow. She launched a counter-flurry towards him which Rudy, while challenged, was able to parry each blow. Slicing at thin air, as the Raven lithely stepped away, creating space between them and firing her Crossbow once again down into the atrium without looking before turning the weapon at him and firing. The bolt hit home and wounded Rudy with a grazing shot across his shoulder.   Adrenaline pumping, Rudy shook off the wound and charged the Raven as she smashed and leapt through a stained glass window onto the slated porch roof of the entrance way into the Church. Not wanting to let the assassin threatening his comrade go free, Rudy leapt out after her and after a brief scuffle on the roof and a sharp elbow to his eye - the Raven tumbled from the rooftop and landed with a thud into a bush below. As Rudy clambered to the roofs edge, he caught a glimpse of the woman disappearing into the now large crowd of onlookers gathering outside.   Pushing into the crowd after the woman, Rudy heard the sound of approaching boots and the clanking of mail. Spanish soldiers! He attempted to blend into the throng and pushed his way through. A Spanish soldier, noticing the crimson red cape hanging dustily off his shoulders put a mailed glove on his shoulder. In one smooth motion, Rudy turned to face the man and thrust the hilt of his rapier into the man's chin. In the confusion,he disappeared into the crowd and made his way to the marketplace to meet up with Corentin, and hoped that Oscar and the Welshman would be there also.   As the companions filed into the marketplace, Rudy was relieved to see Oscar and Cadwallon alive and well. Rudy suggested leaving the town immediately to retain their cover and begin the investigation anew elsewhere. As the team made ready to leave, Oscar spotted pyres being finished in the town centre and a number of Frenchmen in chains, surely bound for the flames.   His sense of duty overpowering the rationality of escaping the town, Oscar insisted on rescuing the captives and disembarked the wagon to begin scouting out the local jailhouse for a way to free the doomed men. Assuming they would have a better chance of success with a marksman on higher ground, Rudy beckoned Cadwallon to follow him towards a nearby cart and loitered unassumingly next to it for a few moments. Spotting a ripped sack of flour on the bed of the cart, he picked it up and threw it into the marketplace, throwing up a huge cloud of dust and distracting the patrolling Spanish guards. In the confusion, he once again boosted Cadwallon up onto the roof of the jailhouse. Dusting off his hands from the Welshman's boot dust, he casually sauntered around to the entrance of the building.   On his way, he signaled Oscar and pointed towards what appeared to be a straggling guardsman patrolling alone on the eastern side of the jailhouse. Indicating that the man was to be Oscar's prey, he continued on to peer at the goods on stalls opposite the entrance. Meanwhile, Corentin, seeing the Welshman being boosted up onto the roof, negotiated the cart through the marketplace and pulled it up near the Eastern wall of the jail in anticipation of Cadwallon needing a quick escape and giving himself a straight shot towards the town's gates.   With his comrades in position, Rudy noticed Cadwallon on the rooftops and gave him the signal to fire on the guard stood on a balcony above Rudy in the street below. After a short pause, the barrel of the Welshman's musket flared. The guard above him wailed and fell from the balcony into the street below. The market erupted in confusion, guardsmen torn between looking for the source of the shot and going to check on their comrade. Rudy saw Oscar spring into action and sped towards the two guards near the entrance, both with their backs turned to him and looking up at the rooftop. Rudy sneaked up to the guard nearest the door and with a flash of the Couer de Lion, he cut the man down and sped inside the gaol. Inside, sat at a table was a very surprised guard who Rudy, with the momentum behind him skewered in an instant.   From around the corner and across the table, two further guards fumbled with their weapons, shooting and missing Rudy. Following it up with a charge, Rudy expertly deflected the blows. His superior swordsmanship and the aid of his shortsword in his off-hand, he cut both men down and leapt across the table. Noting a window on his right, he headed further into the jail.   Confronting him in the atrium was a hastily assembled squad of six guards. They charged at him, the guard in front slashing out at Rudy who parried the blow and turned the blade aside. Thinking quickly, Rudy backed away and dodged another sword strike. He sped towards the window he spotted earlier and dove through, smashing the glass with his blades as he elegantly swan-dived through the opening. He quickly made his way to the location where Corentin had parked the cart beneath the jail and leapt aboard.   Meanwhile, he saw from the corner of his eye, the valiant Oscar fall beneath a hail of bullets. Roaring in grief, Rudy screamed up to the rooftops for Cadwallon to escape. Corentin, concerned for his comrade and desperate to retrieve the body turned the cart towards the guardsmen. Gobsmacked, Rudy shouted at Corentin to take the cart back for Cadwallon so they could all escape with their lives. Frustrated, he grappled with Corentin for the reigns of the horses, with Cadwallon leaping from the rooftop as they struggled. As the busy marketplace roiled around them a second cart appeared from the press and collided with the musketeers wagon. All went black as the wheel snapped beneath Rudy and the cart slammed into a nearby fountain wall.  

Colera Prison;

(The Lion's Reunion)   Rudy awoke to find himself shackled in a dark and damp prison cell. Taking a few moments to gather his thoughts, he paused for a moment and crossed himself before saying a prayer for his fallen comrade Oscar. He scanned his surroundings and saw a corpse shackled to the wall on the other side of the cell, he could not reach the body besides, but saw nothing of use upon the body that might aid his escape. Hearing a guard's footsteps recede around a corner, Rudy cautiously called out to his companions, if any were left alive. He had soon ascertained that Corentin and Cadwallon, at least, were in nearby cells to either side.   Rudy quickly hatched a plan to utilise the old "sick man" routine to bring a guard into his cell. He crossed himself once more in the name of the Lord and prayed the endeavour would work. He began to groan and feign sickness, and Cadwallon and Corentin urgently cried for assistance from a guard. Thankfully, a single guard rounded the corner and approached Rudy's cell, twirling a ring of keys about his index finger. The guard groaned and complained about being disturbed and began enquiring of Rudy as to his ailment. Quick as a flash, Rudy punched the man square in the nose and took advantage of the initiative he had won himself. He speedily wrapped the chain of his manacle around the large guard's thick neck and, using his legs on the man's back, pushed to tighten the iron links around the guard's neck. After a brief struggle, where the guard received his second wind and nearly threw the smaller Frenchman from his back. Rudy strained and pulled at the chain until he finally heard a snap, and the guard ceased struggling.   Rudy gathered the band of keys up, finding nothing else of use about the guard's belongings, he cautiously stepped out into the hallway. Checking left and right, he saw the coast was clear and hurried along until he found Corentin's cell at the end of the hallway. Fumbling with the keys, he snapped the key in the lock. Cursing, he promised Corentin he would return for him. He heard a guard approaching from the southern end of the hallway and darted down an adjoining hallway where he saw Lia and a disheveled old man in another cell.   Quickly, and carefully this time, he unlocked the cell and darted inside in the nick of time as the guard rounded the corner. He stepped inside and embraced Lia. Relieved to see her alive and well. He also noticed the old man, who revealed himself to be Rudy's old Master-at-Arms, Charles Buciqueau. He had been captured as part of D'Foixx's army near La Rochelle. The two enjoyed a brief but happy reunion, despite their circumstances, before their attention returned to escaping from the prison.   They freed Corentin, who took the garb from the dead guard in Rudy's cell and rushed a second guard in the hallway. Rudy took the guard's clothes and cudgel. Thankfully, Cadwallon had created a ruckus to distract the remaining guards and draw them towards his cell so they did not notice the assault on their colleague. Speeding into Cadwallon's cell after the last two guards, Rudy bashed each one on the head in turn, incapacitating them.   With Charles in tow, who had informed them of a potential escape route from the kitchens, Rudy quickly located the party's gear and recovered his precious Couer de Lion, his shortsword and his flame-red cape, along with the ring given to him by Helene Bourgois . Reuniting his comrades with their weapons and clothing, they made their way towards the kitchens. Along with 30 freed French prisoners.  

The Battle of El Tormillo;

(The Lion's Proving)   Fleeing the city under the cover of darkness, Rudy, Charles, Cadwallon, Lia, Corentin and the 30 freed French prisoners made their way along the Kingsroad. Keeping to the flanks and the shadows of the woods on each side of the road, wary of Spanish patrols. Charles directed them to an old medieval fortress at El Tormillo that lay between Colera and Girona.   Cadwallon, being the group's best woodsman, scouted the fortress ahead and counted only a light garrison. Back on the Kingsroad, Charles explained to Rudy the importance of seizing the fortress as its cannons could reach the Kingsroad and devastate an approaching army. Knowing the the Spanish were sending a relief force to Girona, it was imperative that they slowed the advance to give Giraud as much time as possible to capture Girona.   Charles, Rudy and Cadwallon took command of units of 10 prisoners each, with Lia and Corentin remaining with Charles.   Charles began by sending his men to the nearby woods to cut trees to create a barricade. Rudy's men assisted until they had done enough to bar the route.   Now, needing to capture the fortress, Rudy suggested they take part in a mock battle on the Kingsroad and set fire to the trees in order to draw the garrison outside the walls. Charles agreed and his and Rudy's men formed up facing each other, while Cadwallon waited to ambush the rushing Spanish force. Sadly, Rudy's fires did not take to the damp trees and the clamour of mock-battle was not enough to draw out the defenders.   Impatient, Rudy simply marched his troop up the approach to the fortress and attempted to draw the defenders out with taunts. Despite his best efforts, the defenders remained within their stronghold.   Knowing that the Spanish reinforcements were quickly approaching, Cadwallon spied a way in through the fortress' sewer gate. He found Rudy and the two led their small squadrons into the fortress. The fighting was brief but fierce, as Rudy's group led with Cadwallon's bringing up the rear with rifle fire. With only a few minor injuries, the Frenchmen had captured the fortress of El Tormillo.   With the approaching Spanish Reinforcements quickly closing in, there was little time to rest. Rudy and Cadwallon left Charles in command of the garrison and made their way with their small parties of rifles back down to the ford in the river. They co-ordinated well as they fought a running battle back towards the fortress. Gunning down a number of Spaniards as they gave ground. They drew the enemy onto the fortress walls where Charles could bring the cannons to bear. They devastated the Spanish advance and Rudy, at his best when the Spaniards reached the walls, helped to sway the tide of battle by slaying a number of Spanish soldiers on the battlements.   At the end of the fourth day of fighting, the Spanish force retreated to their command post. Charles, volunteering to stay behind and delay the Spanish again, sent Rudy and Cadwallon, with Lia along the highway to Giraud D'Foix's camp to assist in the Siege of Girona.   With little time to celebrate their minor victory, the group prepared their defenses as best as they could. Charles took command of the overall battle and situated himself in the fortress. Rudy and Cadwallon descended back onto the Kingsroad to speed to the aid of D'Foixx's besieging force.  

The Siege of Girona;

(The Lion's Test)   En route to Giraud's camp, the party dispatched of a Spanish scouting party before encountering a deserting Frenchman. Disgusted, the party elects to bind the man and leave him to die in the wilderness. That night, a hungry bear invaded their camp. Due to their military training, the party remained alert enough to the danger to escape unscathed.   Arriving at the Command Post of Giraud D'Foixx, the party immediately reported in to the command post and met with Giraud D'Foix who arrogantly dismissed them. He whispered an insult to Cadwallon as they departed. It took all of Rudy's remaining strength to restrain the enraged Welshman and drag him from the tent. They rested in the camp during the evening and recovered what strength they could.   Sadly, for the party their reprieve was short. The Raven and her lackeys arrived during the night and assaulted the Command Post. Lia was inside the Commander's Tent, arguing with her father when the commotion began. They quickly raised the alarm and Rudy, still in possession of Cadwallon's Dragon, sprang to his feet. He quickly donned his signature red cape and darted into the firelit night. Cat-like, he moved between the tents quietly and remained hidden as the chaos raged around him. Seizing his chance to ambush one of the attackers, he stepped out from the shadows and stabbed him twice with his dual blades. Three more enemies emerged from behind him and he expertly cut them down in their turn.   He was duelling a fifth soldier when he heard a cry from behind him. Cadwallon, calling out to him. Instinctively, he dived to the floor as the Welshman fired a blast, leaving the soldier before Rudy a cloud of blood. As Rudy got to his feet, he felt a sharp pain and the wind was taken from him as an arrow flew from the Raven's crossbow. Lodging itself in his back. He turned and caught a glimpse of the assassin reloading her weapon. He tried to close the distance between them and end the feud once and for all, but a sixth enemy barred his path. He kept the man's furious attacks at bay as best as he could before a second arrow slammed into his chest and drove him to one knee.   The world span around him as his vision blurred. He gripped the Couer De Lion's handle tightly and using its point on the ground, pushed himself to his feet once again. As he drew back to strike his enemy, a third arrow thumped into his chest and sent him sprawling to the floor. Still clutching his treasured rapier, his world fell into darkness.   He awoke with a start to find Cadwallon staring down at him. As he regained his senses, he was glad of the Welshman's cheery countenance. "You were a lucky boy there mun!" he said as he helped Rudy to sit upright.   A day or so passed as Giraud D'Foix prepared his army for the Siege. Rudy, sufficiently mended to stand, was called into the ranks beside his comrades. The French army, finding their way into the Town thanks to Cadwallon's expertise in mining. They battled their way through the streets until exhausted, they arrived at the central square to find the Spanish commanders, and their bodyguard.   They closed in on the central square, they saw Giraud bound by strange magic with the enemy General Montoya and a robed gentleman emblazoned with the same White Rose of the Chevalier de Fer that Montoya was displaying stood beside him. Weary of the campaign, Rudy summoned up the last of his strength and charged at the platform in an attempt to free General D'Foix. As he set off ahead of the army, he heard Cadwallon beside him invoking an odd incantation in what sounded similar to Welsh. As he neared the platform and sprang into the air, swords drawn, the barrier binding General D'Foix disappeared. Time stood still briefly as the power of the magic shifted towards General Montoya, binding him instead. Rudy quickly changed the angle of his attack and slashed at the robed man, almost cleaving him in two.   The remainder of the army caught up with him and with the portal's power destroyed, they bound General Montoya on the orders of General D'Foix and prepared to return him to Paris for trial.   The Lion of the Loire had passed the test, barely. A period of rest and relaxation was sorely needed. As they made their way back to Paris to report to Monsieur du Treville, he made plans with Cadwallon to have a short holiday in Wales.   On his way back through the Loire Valley, he called upon Helene de Bourgois to return her ring. The item felt as though it brought him ill luck. He rode to her estate and dismounted.


Rudy Rideau

Best Friend

Towards Guy de la Pole


Guy de la Pole

Best Friend

Towards Rudy Rideau


Rudy Rideau


Towards Charles Buciqueau


Charles Buciqueau


Towards Rudy Rideau


Rudy Rideau


Towards Cadwallon Ap Heilyn


Cadwallon Ap Heilyn


Towards Rudy Rideau


Eloise Desmarais


Towards Rudy Rideau


Rudy Rideau


Towards Eloise Desmarais


Current Location
Shoulder-length, Brown/Black


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