Inu Vesisape I

Inu Vesisape I, or "the region of the Vesisape people," is a large area included in the Yalisi Empire as it expands from the south. The Kugma Mountains block growth directly north, so the region is expanding around them to the west and east, encountering more other peoples along the way.   Because of the region's close proximity to Greater Yalisi, they have access to the city's resources. Pilgrimages to the city of Yalisi are relatively easy: just travel south and take a short boat trip.   Beside the Vopa priests that do missionary work, there is immigration from other cultures, especially the Iwati and southern Kalora people. These people seek the beautiful temperate and tropical forests that line the Zige's southern coast. Cities dot the beaches, including Nuromiboudi and Votusuda, and along wildly curving rivers.


Inu Vesisape I is mostly flat with mountains bordering its northernmost reaches. Biomes range from temperate and tropical forests along the southern coast to great plains of savanna and grassy hills to the north. At the foothills of the mountains are cold desert regions.   To the furthest northwest touches the dhamtir desert near Iwatik. This area is mostly populated by Iwati people and aren't necessarily thrilled to be included in the Yalisi Empire's headcount, but the Yalisi people only catalog their influence, and their influence reaches the north. There is no great incentive to fundamentally change any part of Iwati culture, so the two coexist.


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