
Brat Ericson brought his ships ashore here at the mouth of the SOREL RIVER in 1083. Soon it was a thriving fishing and farming village. Existing in an area forgotten by Imperial Authorities and not yet in the sphere of the emerging successor states. Soon farmers had moved east, and trappers had gone up river into the DETMOLD FOREST and the VORALBERG MOUNTAINS.   This time of peace and growth ended in 1127 when Baldwin I founded the Kingdom of Aachen. The lands Bratvag was on were in those claimed by the new state. Initially there was resistance, but Baldwin I was able to reach an agreement with ARTURIS BRATSON. This agreement recognized Arturis claims to the lands in Northwest DETMOLD, and it would be called the Jarldom of Brat.   The new Jarl of Brat found himself leading a people in an uneasy settlement with the Ethrum settlers that founded the new kingdom. Eventually as the union became solid and stable the new state began to increase in prosperity and power, and Bratvag rose with it.   Today it is a major shipping hub and dominates the fur trade with both its local production, and being the agent for the production of the newly acquired KOTSUJ VALLEY.
Founding Date
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