Aachen Castle

Aachen Castle is the capital of Aachen.  It is still mainly the seat of its military power.  However it has grown into a diplomatic and business center as well.  While it is not the primary trade port, it is accessible from the sea and is where many of the larger trade agreements are made.     It's population swells in the winter as many of the Southern nobles arrive for the court season.  During the summer it is often fairly quiet as the troops are on campaign and if not the nobles are dispersed to the countryside.     The diplomatic quarter near the citadel hosts one of the largest arrays of diplomats in Aihrde.  All the great shippers and guilds have factories in the mercantile district.  And the AVENUE OF TEMPLES is resplendent with the CATHEDRAL OF THE UNICORN and the BASILICA OF ORE-TSAR.


Aachen Castle is still predominantly human, although a smattering of other races will be seen as there is much business to conduct in the Captial of Aachen.  This is predominately a military town with a trading enclave and a diplomatic district.  It tends to have a high population of Ethrum & Aenochians.  The Southern Vul presence is growing.


When Baldwin I founded the Kingdom of Aachen he soon found this location on the navigable EDLE RIVER with all the things needed for a good and defensible settlement.  So he built his castle here.  The City has grown up around the citadel, and is now more than a simple fortress.  For the past 200+ years the King of Aachen has ruled from this place.  With the growth of power and wealth the city has grown and the wealth is evident in the fine buildings and high end shops.
Founding Date
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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