
Aachen is a fertile set of plains in the West of the Aenoch on the coast.


The lands of Aachen begin at the SEA OF SHENAL in the south and the STRAIGHTS OF URSAL in the west. The gently-rolling, sparsely-wooded hills and meadows of the HARZ and HERISTAT stretch for many leagues, until at last they slip into the warm embrace of the DETMOLD. The Detmold is a young wood, where conifer trees grow in abundance. It is cut by many small breaks, where the sun and soil conspire to conjure a thick loamy grass. At the heart of the Detmold lies an old stand of oak trees. THE STAND, called thus by the locals, has been there for as long as men have memory. It has become a holy place for druids and rangers. It is the heart of the forest, containing EPHREMERE'S GLADE. The deep gulches and tumbled hills of the forest blanket the land to the feet of the VORALBERG MOUNTAINS, which mark the eastern boundary of the kingdom.   In Aachen, fresh water abounds in the many streams, lakes, and small rivers that cross the land before they tumble into the sea. The sparsely populated lands of Aachen are abundant in game and fish.


The lands are largely plains.  Good for growing grains and other staple crops and for breeding and pasturing of sheep.  The Woolen trade is the largest industry in the country.

Natural Resources

Aachen produces medicines, ivory from the Inner Sea, wood products from the DETMOLD, and horses. The tax on pilgrims of Ore-Tsar makes up a large portion of local incomes. Wool production, however, provides the greatest source of revenue. The wool produced by the farmers finds its way to the small textile factories which pepper the towns and some of the villages. From there, merchants carry the finished product to the markets of Avignon, ANGLAMAY, the HANSE CITIES, and so on.  The wealth generated due to the trade has brought general happiness and prosperity to the folk of Aachen. Of course, this wealth has also brought bandits, orcs, and other undesirables to the countryside. The raiders are aided by the often great distances between castles. Despite this, the people tend to be friendly and welcome travelers of all sorts into their local taverns
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