King of Aachen

Baldwin I Became King of Aachen, by conquering the old Imperial territories of HARZ, HERISTAT, and DETMOLD.  His family the House of Baldwin has maintained the throne, and the country has grown in power and wealth.  The current King, Igor IV rules over a maritime country that dominates the worlds trade in woolen cloth and furs.     The King has at his command the ARMY OF AACHEN, as well as the noble levies.  Baldwin I was an experienced commander of the Imperial Armies and established a standing army, and the family has maintained it.  Igor I added to this when he founded the AACHEN NAVY during his reign.  Currently these forces are predominantly being used to maintain open sea lanes and land routes for trade.  Some are engaged in expansion in the newly acquired JARLDOM OF KONTSUJ.   The King is also the traditional head of the Knights of the Unicorn, this religious military order is housed in Aachen Castle, and was founded by Baldwin I.  They serve as an elite force and the King's bodyguard.
Royalty, Hereditary
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