Igor IV

Igor IV was again a minor coming to the throne. VLAD MAELSON JARL OF BRATVAG served as his regent. Vlad having close ties with Kotsuj focused the young king on the intrusions in the valley. He increased the troop levels in Eickjolf, and expanded the fortifications. This allowed them to send regular patrols north into the valley and some range outside of it. In 1350 Igor IV declared the valley to be the JARLDOM OF KOTSUJ, and that his cousin ERIC VLADSON as the Jarl. This effectively annexed the Kotsuj valley, and extended the Kingdom of Aachen well into the North.
Current Status
Ruling as King of Aachen
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1316 35 Years old
Aachen Castle
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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