Church of Traladara

The basic philosophy of the Church of Traladara dictates that people should not harm one another, and that when they do the community should punish the wrongdoer in proportion to the degree of the evil action. There is not much more to it than that, so the church suits the cheerful and whimsical Traladarans ideally.   The Church of Traladara encourages curiosity and experimentation, and considers tea leaf, paim, and card readings, good-luck charms, evil eyes, and nonmagical amulets declarations of that curiosity and as such perfectly permissible. This practice puts the church on a collision course with the Thyatian-dominated Church of Karameikos, and relationships between these two faiths remain stormy on this point of dogma.   The role of the Traladaran cleric involves providing advice for younger people based on personal experiences and the examples of behavior given in “The Song of King Halav” (which is considered a factual recitation of Traladaran history). Traladaran clerics also perform marriages and officiate at other ceremonies, preach the church philosophies, and promote good will. They also may fight in order to save lives or to defeat evils.   The Church of Traladara’s priesthood and laity can hold any ethical alignment (law, neutrality, chaos), but must be of either good or neutral moral alignment (evil individuals need not apply, and indeed, would find the nature of the faith an anathema).   Approximately 70% of the population of Karameikos belongs to the Church of Traladara. Most of these followers are among the common people, since the maintenance of the faith requires little personal effort (unlike the more organized and regulation-driven Church of Karameikos).   Members of the church may have any patron immortal, though the vast majority are followers of Halav, Petra, or Zirchev.
Religious, Organised Religion
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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