Session 1 - Shipping, and Adventure, Starts in Saltmarsh

1 Thaumont 1010 - 4 Thaumont 1010

General Summary

The start of the shipping season kicks off in Saltmarsh on the 1st of Thaumont.   After a meeting with Eliander, Stavos gathers the rest of the party to discuss an offer to root out whatever may be in the Haunted House.   The party meets Boris Telnos and, after purchasing a few pelts and pints, gets his story about being chased out of the House by a banshee.   The party decides to consult with the clergy on dealing with undead, so they go to the Temple of Protius to meet Wellgar Brinehanded. After hearing their plans and the tale of Boris, Wellgar provides a couple flasks of Holy Water.   The party heads to the small settlement at the mines and stays the night there (still the 1st? will check my notes)   They go to the house the next morning. Exploring the house the party fights off spiders and giant centipedes before encountering a nest of stirges in the attic. After the fight, the party encamps for the night in the attic.   The next morning they head to the basement - a terrifying howl rings through the air when they first touch the steps down. Steeling themselves the continue. In the wine cellar under the kitchen, the party finds a dead person that a swarm of rot grubs bursts from - and a secret door.   The door leads to a large room with 10 bunks and a few bandits. After killing the bandits the party finds the quarters of a wizard as well as a journal that seems to show rendezvous dates and a slip of paper with a signalling code. There is also a barred door with "DANGER" written upon it. While deciding their next move a Saltmarsh guardsman shows up, "Ned", saying he was sent from the mine outpost to check for the party; along with a partner that took ill and couldn't join him.   The party finds another secret door, leading to a series of caves. They come across a few more bandits, a couple hobgoblins, and a wizard - whom Belfur beheads before he can get off a second spell. The party does take two of the bandits as prisoner.   Besides a bunch of stolen/smuggled goods, the party finds a row boat in a larger cave that opens to the sea.   While cataloging the found goods, Ned takes ill and leaves to find a place to relieve himself.   The party returns to the barracks room and makes camp while awaiting Ned's return - they wait the rest of the day and into the morning with no sign of him.   After breakfast, the party decides to open the "DANGER" room and gets attacked by 6 skeletons and the reanimated skeleton of the alchemist himself. After triumphing they find the final room in the basement, along with the alchemist's spellbook and a few golden items.   The party returns to the Mines and talk to the duty sergeant, only to find out there is no "Ned" among the town guard. The sergeant writes a letter and sends a messenger to accompany the party back to Saltmarsh.
Report Date
07 Sep 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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