
Stavos Denemir

7th level Fighter (Battlemaster).

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Stavos' skin is weathered and tattered from a lifetime at sea, and in his recent adventures he has picked up a few more scars and claw marks. Two particularly deep bite marks on each of his arms are blackened from fading poison, extending with an almost web-like pattern into the nearby veins - reminders of a near-deadly encounter with giant centipedes.

Apparel & Accessories

Piercing blue eyes look out from behind a sea green helm. His dark grey studded leather armor looks oiled and slick, like it is made from the skin of a whale or some other sea creature. His clothing normally consists of grey or sea green wool (not too thick) to keep him warm, whether in the rain or in splashing sea water. Over this he wears a tattered black cape. On his left hip sits his new Rapier. Behind his right hip, two dagger handles stick up and out to the side slightly, so that they can be easily drawn.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A former marine, Stavos was at sea when Alphatia was destroyed. Their empire destroyed, the unit soon disbanded and its members dispersed, some to start new lives and others to return and search what remains of Alphatia.   Stavos decided to work his way along the coast, taking odd jobs with different ships, finally landing in Saltmarsh in early Vatermont, 1010. The sea was a welcome diversion from his troubled thoughts on the fate of Alphatia, but he felt it was time to stay in one place for more than a day and collect himself - that and the ship he was on hired someone local they knew and that left Stavos as one man too many.   However, the crew of his last ride was kind enough to direct Stavos to Ingo the Drover, a local who connects employers with the employees they need, and sent Ingo good word about him. He was pleased to find Ingo was also Alphatian, as was Ingo to see a fellow countryman. Stavos gave him what news he could and, while Ingo wasn't open about his own past, Stavos could tell he was a former military man and just as troubled about last year's events.   Ingo found Stavos employment almost immediately as a stevedore and a room to rent near The Wicker Goat. Working at the docks hasn't been too bad and Stavos met many locals and traveling crew, at least on a casual basis. However, dock work hasn't been too heavy this early in the season, and if a ship isn't coming/going there's not any work, or pay, as a stevedore. Luckily, word is Stavos has been dependable and his military background served him again - he's been able to supplement his income working some nights as a security guard at various warehouses. It was this last development that lead to Eliander Fireborn seeking him out.
Current Location
Year of Birth
967 43 Years old
Brown, graying
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned and weathered
5' 10"
Known Languages
Alphatian, Thyatian


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