Misc. Saltmarsh Citizens

A repository for characters in Saltmarsh (and its environs) that have been named, but don't warrant a full article (yet).
  • Ned(?) - a hawk-nosed man who helped the party at the Haunted House, while impersonating a member of the Saltmarsh town guard.
  • Bill Shafer - a town guard who was on duty at the Dwarven Mines while the party explored the Haunted House, and was not sick, as claimed by "Ned."
  • Thomas - a young messenger that accompanied the party from the mines back to Saltmarsh, carrying a letter from the sergeant there to Eliander, relaying the information about "Ned."
  • Dominic and Piotr - sailors commissioned by Eliander to assist in sailing The Sea Ghost back to Saltmarsh.
  • Redfin - a male Lizardfolk who was aboard the Sea Ghost. He was buying weapons from the smugglers.
  • Dagnal - a male dwarf from the mines who has attended several of Gellan's parties as a reprimand for poor performance, though he likes a brandy that Gellan serves.
  • Milosh - captain of The Swiftwater, a small sailing ship that carried the party from Riverfork Keep to Saltmarsh.
  • Vertheg - manservant for Aubreck Drallion. In his early 40s, his face is heavily scarred.
  • Tomas - a Traladaran man who approached Tork about fighting in boxing matches. He was murdered in The Squeaky Rudder on the night of 18 Klarmont 1010.
  • Gerd - a Traladaran man, doorman at the boxing matches.
  • Boxers:
    • Raff and Hank Dollet - sailor cousins, who partake in the boxing matches (Hank won).
    • Luz Barrelbraids - a dwarf boxer. Defeated Varin.
    • "Scarin'" Varin - a short, human boxer.
    • Stanimir "The Hammer" - human boxer. Defeated Rato.
    • Rato Slifkin - human boxer.
    • Draza "The Manic" Stanik - large, Traladaran boxer that Tork defeated.
    • Tassos Milakos - Thyatian boxer. Defeated Gregor.
    • Gregor Cerny - Karameikan boxer.
  • Francino Markone - Darokinian bard, 40s, long brown hair tied up in a bun, mustache and goatee, hazel eyes. Plays the lute and tells jokes/limericks between fights. Also showed up at Gellan's fundraiser.
  • Kent Plucker - a Hin bard who performed at the fundraiser (playing viol) and ran the duck races.
  • Toboldt - organizes the boxing matches. Mixed Karameikan, late 30's, thinning hair cut extremely short, "cauliflower ear" (left), broken nose but set very well, blue eyes, 5'10".
  • Vath Brenatto - Traladaran man and owner of the farm where the boxing matches took place.
  • Stefan Vanik - a young Karameikan courier. He went missing while returning to Saltmarsh from Mirros with documents for Aubreck and others. His remains were found in Leeside, where he was a victim of a False Hydra. He was the beau of Clara Bellová.
  • Clara Bellová - young Karameikan and baker at the Sharkfin Bakery. The beloved of Stefan, the party returned to her the letter and heart pendant that Stefan carried.
  • Kastor - a sergeant in the town guard.
  • Bronislav and Radomir - thugs that attacked Tork, Leo, and Stavos outside of The Squeaky Rudder on the night of 18 Klarmont 1010.  They have been sentenced to forced labor at the Dwarven Mines.
  • Frantz, Wolff, and Deimos - thugs that were killed during the attack outside The Squeaky Rudder. Frantz seems to have been a member of the Iron Ring or at least working for them.
  • Gertrudt - Tomas's lady at The Squeaky Rudder.


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