Session 2 - Catching a Ghost

5 Thaumont 1010 - 8 Thaumont 1010

General Summary

The morning after returning to town, the party is summoned to a meeting with the Saltmarsh Town Council.   The council sees an opportunity to catch the smugglers before they know those in Haunted House have been caught but, with increased pirate activity and strange creatures lurking about their ships, they can't spare the manpower to take the ship. The party is offered a reward for doing so, as well as payment for capturing the smugglers they already have.   After the meeting, Eliander introduces the party to the sailors that will accompany the party to the ship and help them sail it back to Saltmarsh. They are to meet them at the house the day before the scheduled rendezvous.   The party sets out for the house early and decides to investigate the well, which has many small animal skeletons around it. Leofingol is lowered in and is attacked by two giant snakes! He's pulled out, but not before being knocked out - the rest of the party finishes off the snakes.   The following night, the party sees a ship signalling and sends back the second code they found previously - the ship returns the third code. They set out in their jolly boat, with most of the party concealed under tarps - Tork and the second sailor take another boat on a wider path to approach the ship from the other side.   The first jolly boat is spotted as it approaches The Sea Ghost and a rope ladder is loaded. A few party members make it on deck, but the crew discovers the ruse after Tork slips from the anchor chain and falls in the water.   Waves of crew come onto the deck in a large, long fight. Elincia blasts the first mate off the ship, sending him to a watery grave. Tork kills the deck mage by smashing his nose into his brain with the hilt of his dagger - the last two sailors surrender.
Report Date
06 Oct 2019
Primary Location


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