Session 3 - Celebrating a victory

8 Thaumont 1010 - 18 Thaumont 1010

General Summary

No more than a few minutes after the battle ends, a Lizardman appears from one of the cabins - a couple more visible behind him. He assumes the character (who?) nearest the dead captain is the new captain.   The party parleys with the Lizardfolk, who speaks broken Thyatian. They don't care about whatever fight the "humans" had, but want some metal goods they've paid for.   The party explores the rest of the ship. Rot grubs in the bilge almost swarm Stavos, but Belfur pulls him out in time. A secret compartment is found behind the first mate's cabin with bundles of weapons for the Lizardfolk. A corresponding room is then found behind the bosun's cabin, containing a prisoner - Sumadram Nila.   Sumadram is freed, the party finds electrum bars that were the Lizardfolk payment, and lets them take their payment back and leave the ship with the ship's jolly boat.   The sailors guide the party in getting the ship underway and return to Saltmarsh, where the party is paid their reward and the ship will be inspected and unloaded. A day after meeting with the Council, Gellan Primewater meets the group and invites them to a party at his mansion, where they will be the guests of honor.   The party goes clothes shopping and hangs about town until the day of the party.   The party is full of drink, dance, and feasting. After the meal, the party is invited upstairs to meet with Gellan in his game room. He tells them that the party can have the Sea Ghost as a prize if they want it - it's unfit for duty in the town's fleet, but it's still a seaworthy vessel.   He also proposes a job working for him personally, traveling to Greenest and securing a fruit sold there that is said to cure illness. Supposedly some goblins sell one fruit to the villagers every summer. The party accepts. He offers to arrange a ship to take them upriver, saving a few days overland journey, though the ship won't leave for almost a week; the party decides they would rather leave the next day. Gellan provides them two sheets of Paper Birds to signal him when the fruit is secured and if they need a ride back to town.   Before leaving town, the party buys a mule to carry their newly purchased tents and other gear. During a couple days trek through the marshes the party is beset by a couple ghouls and later a group of twig blights.
Report Date
19 Oct 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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