The Order of the Griffon

The Order of the Griffon functions as a military wing serving the Church of Karameikos. Priests and fighters may join. The members of the order consider themselves in very prestigious company. Its members constantly adventure, going on quests to help the church, the nation, and the common man. It is a great honor to be a member of the Order of the Griffon, so each year many young men and women attempt to gain membership.   The applicants appear before Lord Olliver Jowett, Patriarch of Mirros, and declare their intent to join the ranks. The patriarch assigns the applicants to various existing members of the order who test fighting abilities in sparring matches, question the degree of faith in church doctrine, and evaluate character. Applicants who meet all the criteria for membership are invited to join the order.   To become a member of the Order of the Griffon, a character must:
  • Meet a set of standards measuring skills in combat (that is, the character must be a least 5th level as a fighter or a priest).
  • Be a devout follower of the Church of Karameikos.
  • Swear a holy oath to uphold the responsibilities of a member of the order.
  Once a member of the Order of the Griffon, a character must:
  • Tithe 25% of annual income to the Church of Karameikos.
  • Obey the dictates of the church regarding action, purification, and superstition.
  • Accept missions and duties assigned by the church or by superiors with the order. Such missions often involve adventures or military actions in the interest of the church or nation.
  As benefits to a member of the Order of the Griffon, a character:
  • Can claim shelter from any Church of Karameikos (most clerics offer shelter to other clerics or the needy anyway, but the member has the right to demand it of a cleric not so inclined).
  • Has the companionship of other members of the order who are likely to become friends, offer aid when needed, etc.
  • Receives the respect due to someone of knight status, because of the good and widespread reputation of the order, regardless of true rank in society. The member is therefore invited to dine with nobles, share exploits with them, stay the night as guests, etc.
  All members of the Order of the Griffon wear a badge proclaiming membership. It can be worn on the shoulder, or perhaps as a clasp on a cloak or belt.   In the past few years, the younger and more boisterous members of the Order of the Griffon have declared that they should have griffons as mounts. Younger members compete avidly among themselves to attain the unofficial goal. A character who wishes to become a true griffon rider must acquire the riding (airborne) proficiency. Note that the church fathers do not officially approve of these actions as being within church dogma, but they do not disapprove, either.   Those in the order may resign membership at any time. The order asks the members to turn in their badges and forfeit all other benefits as members.
Military, Knightly Order
Parent Organization


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