
Darkholm is a smaller plane which houses a city, a couple of towns, a few larger villages, a half a dozen smaller villages, and a jail. There is not much else there. The city is small but opulent with a large castle in the middle of it called Castle Cynosure. The castle is the largest building on the plane. Golden-yellow glows come from some of its windows. The second largest building is the jail, which is called Darkholm and is where this plane got its name. The prison is designed to hold any creature no mater how powerful. A red glow comes from the windows of Darkholm. There is a golden path between the two buildings, which is needed because the jail moves and the only way to get to it is to use the path since the path moves with it.   The only two main sources of light in this shadow plane are the golden glow from the lights of Castle Cynosure and the red glow from the prison.   The plane had three powerful creatures in it. One was a black dragon, but he was killed by The Right Fist. The other was the warden of the jail. But he was actually Gethos and had been one of the incarcerated prisoners but he had been wrongfully imprisoned when he was just a baby. He took over the jail and had been running it, but he still could not leave it. The Right Fist freed him and he left this plane. The third is a Shade named Mittigan Jappar. Mittigan is not the creator of the plane nor any of its buidlings. He took it over and uses magic items to maintain it and change it. Now that the other two powerful indiduals have left, Mittigan is trying to maintain the plane and keep it from falling apart.
Dimensional, Pocket
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