Shalana Adlar's potions, balms and ointments

Herbs and concoctions   Aljuritim – This is a golden yellow stamen strand of a purple flower with a blue interior. This flower only blooms in nature at very high altitudes with temperatures below 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Steep five, 1 inch strands in 6 ounces of very hot boiling water like you would tea. It takes about 3 minutes to boil the water for brewing if you have a ready heat source. It then must steep for a minimum of 3 minutes. So if you have a heat source it takes about 6 minutes total between boiling and steeping. For the next 8 hours it will reduce the damage from any cut or blunt attack by changing the way blood flows. So each damage is reduced by 2 damage points on piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage. However, you cannot take this again for 72 hours from the time you took it or else it has the opposite effect.   Bloody Balm This poultice is clear when first applied to the wound, but as it absorbs blood and heals the wound, it turns first pink and then get darker until it is a very dark burgundy red at which point it is used up. It will immediately stop bleeding and stabilizes anyone. Then it takes 10 minutes to heal additional damage. However, it can only heal as much as that individual wounds damage. It can heal up to a total of 50 damage points before it is burned out and useless. It is then burgundy red and cannot heal any more. The poultice is made from plants and the blood of certain creatures that have innate healing abilities. It can only heal damage from cuts or punctures (there must be blood to absorb) 50 GP, it was 30 GP but went up   Elixir of curing poison. This will allow you to add your proficiency bonus to saving throws vs poison and you have advantage on all saving throw rolls vs poisons for 6 total rounds (including the first round).   Incenses/tobacco: Burning incense and inhaling the smoke for 10 minutes or burning this tobacco and smoking it (which takes about 10 minutes) will provide the effects as per below. If there is more than one person you can burn one piece of incense per person and get the effects at the same time using the same incense burner. The effects will last 8 hours. But then the same incense cannot be used again for 72 hours from the time you inhaled it. You also cannot be already under the influence of any other incense. If you do take incense while you are already under the influence of incense, you suffer damage instead of benefitting as your body fights against the two “poisons”. While you cannot take the same incense again for 72 hours, you could use a different incense as long as you are not under the influence any longer of any incense. (the now cost 100GP each)   Clarity of thought. +2 intelligence along will all the benefits of such including better saving throws. In addition, you have advantage on saves or effects requiring intelligence.   Health. +2 constitution along will all the benefits of such including extra hit points (temporary) and better saving throws. In addition, you have advantage on saves or effects requiring constitution.   Myrrh: This is common incense. Raw Myrrh resembles brown teardrops of resin that burn with a woody and spicy note. You add your Proficiency Bonus to ALL Saving Throws and you have advantage on saving throws.   Quickness: Increases Dexterity   Endurance - prevents exhaustion - removes the exhaustion condition.   From Vampire dust: Balm that coats a blade or arrow tip that prevents regen (30 GP but they brought the dust). She gave Azetec 9 dose at 30GP each. It can coat one sword, 2 daggers or 12 arrows. Coat it and it last 24 hours. On a dagger 2 attacks, on a sword three attacks, on an arrow one attack. Later they will costs more than (now 50 GP it was 30 GP).   From Vampire dust: Powder that prevents gaseous form (save allowed) (30GP but they brought the dust)


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