Thieves Guild

The thieves guild is well established. There are several "divisions" or "branches" or "families" and each one mostly concentrates on one specific element. Like perhaps obtaining information and selling it, or assassinations, or breaking and entering, or loan sharking, or gambling, or prostitution.   There are secret ways that they mark buildings as follows:
Mark 1: A guildhall. Major business can be done here but also socialization, drinking and sharing stories.
Mark 2: A safe house – run in here, give the signal, and you get rushed to safety and they cover for you even if someone is chasing you and runs in right after you.
Mark 3: A job shop and supply store. Go here to find work and stock up on supplies and hear rumors
Mark 4: “friendly” bars, taverns ad inns were you can get private rooms and be pretty sure you will not be watched or overheard.   The secret ways are only noticeable by someone who has been shown what to look for. Otherwise the symbols just look like everyday things – like a nick in the wood of a door frame, or a patched window pane.
Illicit, Gang
Parent Organization

Articles under Thieves Guild


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