
The second most prominent religion is Hermes. Hermes is the god of trade, commerce, thieving (and trickery)   His is the religion of commerce in this city and his church has helped to make the city economically prosperous. But he is not “worshipped” in the same way other deities are. Instead his followers partake in the many aspects of his church by doing things – like being thieves or being tradesmen or being messengers. Yes they may seek his council or guidance from time to time in prayer but it is more like they do the things that he has influence over and he gives them what they need to succeed in this.   His church is influential on the city council - especially in regard to finance and his church runs the Thieves Guild in town and the Trades Guild and a messenger and delivery service called NTF services, which stands for News Travels Fast. They can deliver messages nearly instantly to anywhere in the world, depending on how much you can afford to pay. They offer cheaper services, like the pony express, but when the message is urgent, they can use magic for a greater fee. The Trades Guild overseas all trades within the city and town and the Tradesmen who make the goods. At the docks and in the streets. It is very prosperous and important since trade is so important to the city. It does not oversee other guilds though – like it is not part of the thieves guild or Merchants Guild or mages guild.
Religious, Organised Religion
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations

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