Age of Poseidon, year 1400 through the current day. From the Perspective of the Kingdom of Oldon.

The Age of Poseidon starts when Poseidon brought the original founding fathers to Oldon. It is from the perspective of the Kingdom of Oldon and it starts at year 1400.

  • 1400


    Founding of the Kingdom
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Kingdom was founded at the shores of this bay 140 years ago by the great, great grandfather and great, great uncle of the current King. The co-founder and first King’s name was King Gerald the First (Gerald Boclair). At the time, Gerald was just a young and ambitious man who was the fourth son of the Boclair family – which was a noble family. Since he was the fourth son, he knew that he would not inherit much so he took whatever his father would give him and commissioned the expedition that founded Oldon. He convinced his younger brother (and fifth son), Thaddeus Boclair, to do the same. They pooled their money, purchased three ships and hired seamen, fighters, farmers, and tradesmen and they headed out on the sea. Unfortunately, they encountered bad storms and harsh conditions. They lost 1 of the 3 ships and 15 men during the first 23 days at sea. On the 24 day, they were out of rations, many of the men were becoming sick and weak, and they were just about ready to give up. They sent out a general prayer to all the Gods for help, promising that they would dedicate themselves to any God that helped them. Poseidon (a God that they had not known of prior to this) heard their prayers, from his palace on the ocean floor. Poseidon rose out of the water, riding on a chariot pulled by six creatures that had the upper body and head of a horse and the tail of a fish (hippocampi). Poseidon approached their boats, and in a booming voice, he said “I Poseidon have heard your prayer and I will help. In return you and your descendants will become my worshippers”. Immediately his chariot lurched forward at great speed toward their ships, passing between them, and a huge wave formed behind him and carried their boats for 12 long hours, at great speed, and landed them in the bay. The ships miraculously missed all the rocks and dangers and glided right into the bay and then the waves stopped. At that point Poseidon said, “here is your new land, make a camp and rest and in 3 days choose one man from among you. That man is to stand in the water here in this bay and call my name. I will take him below with me and instruct him in my ways and what shall be done here in this valley”. The hippocampi and Poseidon sank into the bay water. The men were saved and, although they were afraid, they did as they were told. Thaddeus Boclair was the one who chose to go out into the water to do as Poseidon said. On the third day he walked out into the water and called Poseidon. The water below him rose up from under him and formed into a large horse which lifted him on its back. The horse then ran out into the water and as it vanished below the water, its hind legs became a tale. Thaddeus was gone for 3 weeks. The men waited and fished and hunted and started making tools and settling in during that time. When Thaddeus returned, he looked like he had aged maybe 4 years – and he said to him it seemed he was gone for 4 years. In that time, he had become a priest of Poseidon and he now returned and helped them start the new Kingdom. He was able to use magic and over time his ability with magic grew. After they formed a safe village area, they sent the two ships back to their old homelands to bring back more people and supplies and establish trade

    Evergreen Valley
    More reading
  • 1400


    3 /4

    Build-up and colonization of the area
    Construction beginning/end

    They made docks, cleared land for the town by the docks and built the town. Then they cleared land for the city and started building the city. They made many trips back to their original homelands to bring back more people and supplies and then later to establish trade. By the end of this time (1420) they had a small city, farms around it, and the town at the bay.

    Evergreen Valley
  • 1497

    2 /8

    Monsters in the river and escaped giant gorillas
    Disaster / Destruction

    Two giant humanoid, green, ogre-like creatures attacked the Moore Brothers Traveling Circus by the river about 1 days horse - travel north of the city. One of the ogre-like creatures was male and the other female. Below is a sketch done by an artist from a description given by some of the survivors. They had green skin, yellow or green eyes, slimy hair that looked like green seaweed, black teeth and long black nails on both their hands and feet. Their hands and feet were webbed for swimming.   The Ogres attacked by surprise and the larger male monster grabbed a man and a child and the female monster grabbed a woman. They then swam away taking the victims with them, and neither they nor the victims have been seen again as of 1540. However, in the chaos, the Circus’s star attraction, two Giant Gorillas - over 12 feet tall – escape into the forest. They have never been recovered even though a $5,000 GP reward was offered for both of them alive or $2,000 GP for one of them alive. That reward is still posted. The Moore Brothers Traveling Circus is from Riverbend. The More Brothers Traveling Circus is still in business and does come to Avondale sometimes annually but usually every other year. When in town they do hire a lot of local people for so many jobs – carpentry, security, care of animals, etc.   More guards are added along the river route.

    Naram River
  • 1499



    Break in the case of the missing kids
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    A lead takes the investigation for the missing children to a building. They find 3 kids being held and they capture 4 adults working there. They find records indicating that some children are sold and some are kept and forced to work in illegal child prostitution. But the records are coded and have no hard facts as to the parties involved so the authorities cannot figure out who owns this illegal operation nor who buys the kids.   One thing is noted though – the building is owned by a company called KMJC Inc. They follow up on this and find the company is 49% owned by Kellum Mordock and 51% owned by Jayden Crowe. But then there is also filed documents that the voting rights of Jayden re assigned to Kellum Mordock. It is discovered Jayden Crow is from another Kingdom and thus cannot be found. Kellum Mordock was the 8-year-old boy freed from the Otung attack in 1473. Kellum is now 26 years old. The lead goes cold. Kellum was not aware of the activity in the building, he is shocked by the news. He turns over any details he has on the tenant and how they paid. But the trail goes dead -someone had strong legal and banking understanding, and everything was a dead end.

  • 1500

    22 /3

    22 /3

    Construction is started on a huge night club / casino / vacation destinate is built on the border of the poor and not so boor neighborhood

    There is one really poor neighborhood in this city. Construction has begun on a block-long and block deep complex including several buildings, pools, and gardens. The old buildings were purchased, knocked down, and construction on the new buildings begins. It is enclosed by a wall 12 feet tall with carved pictures of people enjoying themselves – strolling, dining, gambling, shopping, swimming, etc. Once all the construction is done, once inside, it will be self-contained – meaning stables, sleeping and eating quarters, kitchens, baths, etc. It is located right on the corner of the really poor neighborhood, the corner that connects with the normal neighborhood #1 and the normal neighborhood #2. The sign outside says it is called “Rapture”. It will be a club, casino, and resort all in one. Beautiful gardens, ponds, indoor and outdoor eating areas, specialty shopping stores, etc. Below ground level is where the cooking, cleaning, and even sleeping quarters for staff are. The below ground level is as large as the upper level, it goes down several stories, and it is very complex – you could easily get yourself lost in the lower levels.

  • 1500

    10 /5

    10 /5

    Political event

    Pirates enter the city- peacefully, from the ocean. The outpost for Poseidon grants the vessel peaceful entry. This ship is a large wooden vessel with three masts and with a giant Kraken carved on the bow with the Krakens tentacles going down the side of the ship. The ship is painted black with dark red trimmings – the Kraken is red. The flag it flies has a Kraken engulfing a ship and pulling it under water. The name of the ship is Poseidon’s Vengeance and the captain is Captain Drake Edwards. They have with them a lot of treasure. They also have the men captured from the crews of other ships. They’re offered for sale but the city doesn’t allow slavery so if anything it would just be indentured servitude, which is allowed. They choose not to do that because the money they would get would be a lot less. Still they stay for a week they have their fun visit the city and spend lots of their gold. They have to outfit their ship again. And of course they drink and hire prostitutes Etc. There wasn’t any real trouble just an occasional drunken bar fight. They pay homage to Poseidon and make offerings at the temple. The captain and Lord Bishop Waverly (the head Priest of Poseidon’s Temple here) are often seen together and appear to be familiar with each other.

  • 1500

    22 /7

    22 /7

    Father Dominic Paisano, Church of The Redemption makes a triumphant entry into the city on a Royal ship from another, yet unknown Kingdom
    Religious event

    This is a new religion for our area. Spread from various parts of the world. With him he brings 10 other men and 16 women and 5 boys and 7 girls. They seam to have wealth and they quickly purchase a plot of land with an older building on it and turn it into their first church. They also buy some other homes near this and rent some others to accommodate their cast. It is in the "normal neighborhood #1". This area borders a poor neighborhood and an upper middle class neighborhood. They offer faith based teaching, meals, work, some financial assistance to anyone who needs and and comes to them and will listen to them preach about their faith.

  • 1540

    30 /6

    30 /6

    Circus back in town, Giant Apes attack city
    Disaster / Destruction

    The circus is back in town and it brings in its new star attraction - a Giant Ape. This ape it the child of the apes that escaped over 40 years ago. Well the parents sense its presence and attack the city. The circus is forced to give up their Giant Ape to appease the parents so that they leave. The apes did attack before their son was returned to them, but only did minor damage to the walls and nobody was killed. The Right Fist was successful in holding off the parents at the gates and stopping most of them from entering the city. In the scuffle, on did make it over the wall, but The Right Fist trapped it inside a force bubble and moved it back out to fields beyond the city wall. The ape was badly injured but it should survive. All the Apes left, including the child, back into the forest.