This a a huge Valley called Evergreen Valley because most of the trees, even the deciduous ones, keep their leaves due to mild winters


Size of the valley / city / mountain pass / bay and travel times Generally: A horse can travel about 35 miles a day on really good trails and you can see along the horizon about 12 miles on a clear day with unobstructed views – of course further if you are higher up. From the city you can travel on horse going to the east and/or the west, on good trails, to the mountains. This takes 4 days by horse (it is 150 miles). To get to the northern mountain pass by horse is 5 days - although it is a longer distance, at 190 miles, the road is just much better so travel is faster. It is 190 miles from the city to the mountain pass. From the city to the bay is not far at all – three miles maybe. So the valley that the city is in is about 300 miles wide east to west by 191 miles north to south. The bay is large too – about 12 miles diameter – just at the edge of ones viewing distance – so you can see the opening to the ocean but not fine details from the city. So by boat it takes about 3.5 hours to cross the bay from the docks to the ocean pass as boats travel about 3 to 4 miles per hour. There is a horse / foot path that goes around the bay too - on both sides - and it is well protected and guarded and only used by officials of the town or Poseidon officials to patrol the bay and get to the mountain pass on horseback rather than by boat. To go along this path, you need official papers. The path along the bay goes both ways and each way around the bay is about 20 miles long each way - which takes 5 hours on horse back.   Please note: not shown on the above map are marshes, swaps, and smaller rivers that support life within such a large valley / forest. There is plenty of water to provide for this forest – I only drew the main river as it is integral to understanding the city itself and the defense of the valley. There are even finger steams off of the river in the city itself that brings water to the neighborhoods and helps take away waste too. Because the water moves at a nice pace, the waste is taken out to the bay and then to the ocean. The streams and river do not get polluted.

Articles under Evergreen Valley