
The most prominent religion is Poseidon. This church holds much military and political and economic influence and has ever since the founding of the city. This is because the city was founded by a boat expedition and the success of that expedition is attributed to Poseidon who is thus the patron deity of the city (more about this in Section: History / timeline) and also see more detail below about his church and its priests and influence.     City Head priest = Lord Bishop Waverly. He is middle aged – perhaps even pushing 60 years old – but healthy and strong. A very capable man. Tough but fair – however he is gruff, to the point, and brutally honest. He has the kind of personality such that you may not like him the first time you meet him – you need to get to know him. He runs the church very well. He keeps the Church strong in military might and runs the watch towers at the ocean entrance and along the river. The Churches military might is second only to the Kings (see below for more on this). He is married and has many children and his wife serves on many Church councils and helps in any way she can – so do his children – when they are not “in training” or in school. He is a good strategist and commander.   Head of the Church Military – Captain Garth. He is on the younger side. He is a priest of Poseidon and he runs the military under the command of Lord Bishop Waverly. He does not “put up with bullshit” and he keeps his men “at the ready” and strong. He is not married but it is known that several of the Ladies in waiting are interested.   Under the command of Lord Bishop Waverly and Captain Garth, The Church of Poseidon is second in power, prominence, and wealth only to the King and his Lord Counsel (as a whole – meaning the King and the whole Counsel). And if the King and his Lord Counsel are not “on the same page” then the Church of Poseidon is more powerful than the Kings Military. In fact, Lord Bishop Waverly is on the council and is the Admiral of The Navy and Minister of Defense. The Church uses its military might for protection of the river and the city mostly. The King uses his for military for defense or the Palace section of the city and the forest. Its not that the King does not have any City Guard, they do, but they are outnumbered by two-to-one in the sections of the city outside of the palace section and along the river and the bay.   Priestess Damati – She is not young but is not yet middle aged and she is quite pretty. She is compassionate and a “favorite of the people”. She gives “moving” speeches and good counsel and generally keeps people very happy. Lord Bishop Wavery relies on her to oversee the day to day Churchly functions so that he can focus on the military and his prominence within the City Council, which in turn helps to strengthen the Church as a whole. She is married and has one daughter (6 years old now). So she makes the day to day decisions of how the Church is run, who preaches at which of the three churches (city, town, and see village), etcetera. Her husband, Captain Aimsworth (he kept his last name and she kept hers), is a Trader with his own ship – “The Watery Way” – he is often gone for months and a time and then home for months at a time. He is successful and it is known that his ship always has good luck at sea! He never has any trouble finding the best crew. His is the largest trading ship at the docs. Its symbol is a double headed trident laying horizontally with a wave above it.   The Church has military trained horsemen and military transport vessels that can travel both the river and the bay and even out into the ocean.
Religious, Organised Religion
Parent Organization
Permeated Organizations

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