Revamps and Reworks - Mythic Poem of Narfold class & subclass changes in Mythic Poems of Nárfold | World Anvil
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Revamps and Reworks - Mythic Poem of Narfold class & subclass changes

Revamps and reworks

  In this game we've added a few changes to improve the classes that features are of note but often don't have an interesting progression.    


The following classes are revamped (skills added or class features modified):
  • Monk
  • Fighter
  • Sorcerer
  • Wizard
  • Warlock
  • Bard - Expert

    The following class has been reworked completely:
  • Bard Rework - From Mage to Expert - Half Caster Bard
  • Bard Rework - PDF & Changes to class



    Monk: Ki Point revamp

    Brawlers Revamp - Fighter and Monk buffs  

    Fighter: Weapon proficency masters and PHB Battlemaster Maneuvers

    Brawlers Revamp - Fighter and Monk buffs  

    Wizard: Scribes subclass for all

    Mages Revamp - Wizard & Sorcerer Buff and Warlock Revamp  

    Sorcerer: Additional spells and sorcery points + subclass choices gain free bloodline spells

    Mages Revamp - Wizard & Sorcerer Buff and Warlock Revamp  


    Mages Revamp - Wizard & Sorcerer Buff and Warlock Revamp  



    Subclass: College of Spoons

    Subclass   Bard Subclass - College of Spoons - PDF and article   

    Subclass: Way of living weapon

    Subclass   Monk Subclass - Way of the Living Weapon    

    Subclass: Beastborne Conclave

    Subclass   Ranger Subclass - Beastborne Conclave - PDF and article

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