
The ways of Men and Giants are primitive and perverse.
May Logic, Reason, and the Natural Senses prevail - Long Live the Way of the Dwarves.
- Excerpt from the Kaj Constitution of Joutenland

Dwarves as a Playable Race in Mythoterra

Ability Score Increase
Your Constitution and Wisdom scores each increase by 1.


Dwarves mature much faster than humans, getting to adulthood by the age of 5. They live to about 30-40 years, being able to learn and maintain knowledge much more efficiently than other humans. This makes a 35 year old Dwarf approximately as wise as an 80 year old Man.

Most dwarves are lawful, believing firmly in the benefits of a well-ordered society. They tend toward good as well, with a strong sense of fair play and a belief that everyone deserves to share in the benefits of a just order.


Dwarves stand between 4 and 5 feet tall and average about 150 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor.

Accustomed to life underground, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Dwarven Resilience
You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.

Dwarven Ingenuity
You have proficiency with slight of hand and advantage on investigation checks. Anything you craft or improve get +1 to each stat.

Tool Proficiency
You gain proficiency with the artisan’s tools of your choice: smith’s tools, brewer’s supplies, or mason’s tools.

Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

You can speak, read, and write Common.

Heighland Dwarf

As a Heighland Dwarf, your features are more round and bulbous. Your people originate from the elevated lands and hills between the two Great Lakes, with a strong maritime tradition. The Heighland Dwarf is the common Dwarf Race of Lourdes.

Ability Score Increase
You Charisma score increases by +1

You gain a swimming speed equal to your movement speed, and start with a net.

You speak, read, and write the local dialect of Lourdes, and the Heighland dialect of Dwarvish.

Joutenland Dwarf

As a Joutenland Dwarf, your features are more slick and noble, while maintaining the expected look of a Dwarf. Your people originate from Joutenland, the eastern lands of the Ruby Sea. This is a rough and hilly land, with much mining of rare resources, black dust, and advanced technology. Your people are also traditionally xenophobic, hating any other race but their own breed of Dwarves.

Ability Score Increase
Your Intelligence Score increases by +1, your Charisma score decreases by -2

Joutenland Dwarves has a tendency to lean toward Lawful Evil alignments.

Due to your cultural preconceptions, a -1 insight modifier. However, you start with one of the following technological pieces of equipment:
You have a robotic familiar made by Dwarven steel and powered by Black Dust. 
Grappling Crossbow
Ranged Tool, Range 100ft, bonus action - no damage.
A light, single handed crossbow which shoots out a rope and grappling hook. It can be used as a bonus action. When shot, it automatically latches onto any surface not obstructed within a 100ft range. The grapple can be removed as an additional bonus action with the crossbow, or by physically unlatching the hook. It uses a bonus action to retract the rope, in doing so it may pull an object or creature up to 10 pounds back to the bow.
Clockwork Lockpick
A small lock picking mechanism that uses cogs and vibration detection to pick locks. It will automatically open any naturally locked door.

You speak, read, and write the Joutenland dialect of Dwarvish.

Khaza-Thorin Dwarf

As a Khaza-Thorin Dwarf, you hail from a clan from your island homeland. Your features are broad and hard, and with tribal tattoos a common symbol of your clan. Your people are a wild, mystical, and superstitious group. Due to your clan culture, warfare and violence is a typical part of life, as well as learning to use nature to your advantage. Some may view you and your kind as wild and primitive, but this as allowed you to attune to the wild in ways they would never know.

  Ability Score Increase
  Your Constitution and Strength score each increase by +1

In tune with Nature
You gain proficiency in Nature and Medicine, and immunity to disease.

You gain proficiency in simple weapons.

You speak, read, and write in Joutenland Dwarvish.

Rohadine Dwarf

As a Dwarf from the foothills east of The Scales , your people have assimilated into a lifestyle not unlike their larger cousins, Men . You enjoy peace and a simple life, and your people are typically agricultural in nature. They make up the majority of the common folk in the more civilized parts of the hills east of The Scales , but have no qualm interacting with the affected races that originate there. Your race is typically stout and sturdy, with thick black hair, and long curly beards.

Ability Score Increase
Your Wisdom score increases by +1

You gain proficiency in Animal Handling

Friend of the Affected
Having grown up in the lands of the Affected Races (namely the races of mixed Man / Animal decent), you are familiar with some of their natural magic.
You know the Druidcraft Cantrip and Speak with Animals.

You speak, read, and write in the Underground Dialect of Dwarvish.

Mountain Dwarf

As a Dwarf from the mighty Scales  or their smaller brothers, the Cove Peaks, you are a hardy and tough built Dwarf. Your kin are the warrior Dwarves of legends, the ones who burrow deep into the mountains and slay the monstrosities within their chambers. Your people were the primary carvers of the Underground world, and as such are expert miners and labourers. Not common to the surface world, you stand out as a small but intimidating force.

Ability Score Increase
Your Strength score increases by +2

Dwarven Toughness
Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.

You speak, read, and write in the Underground Dwarven dialect.

Civilization and Culture


Dwarves were originally created with the two other forms of Humanity , Men and Giants , at the beginning of time - before written history, in the Age of Paradise. Their purpose, like all of humanity, was to find Antus Vicem before their death. The role of Dwarves was to be the world movers, the innovators, improvisers, builders, and inventors. They were the ones to show and demonstrate the ingenuity of Antus, and to find his presence in all of his creation. They were to improve the world and the things around them in order to not only improve the lives of their human kin so they could better focus on their mission, but to also continually adapt and change the setting and parameters of their divine stage. The divine play wasn't to take place in one setting, but instead in a continually adapting and evolving stage, which the Dwarves were to have a major role in.

After the Great Council of the Giants, when war first broke out in the world, the Dwarves, being the smallest and most vulnerable race, fled in mass droves into the hills and mountains, and dug great tunnels into the world. This was the Great Migration of the Dwarves. The surface world saw little of them again for some time, and the Dwarves, with the quickest lifespan, hastily adapted and evolved in each location they hid. With their isolation from each other, the clans of Dwarves became very distinct. The Dwarves of the Scales are much different than the Dwarves of the Joutenland or Khaza-Thorin, for example. Eventually, their networks of mines and underground roads and highways would connect, and a sprawling civilization and political atmosphere would occur in the far deep of the world, separate completely from the surface world. The Dwarves that didn't burrow and instead fled to the Isles of Gaul eventually changed so much that they are identified as two completely different races - Haflings and Gnomes. The Dwarves who lived close to the surface of the Joutenland, Khaza-Thorin, parts of the Scales, and the Heighland eventually emerged from their underground cities and aided Naude in the liberation of the world. These Dwarves settled on the surface world, losing touch with the Underworld, aside from legends and tales.

The Dwarves of the Joutenland faced much tribulation against Voidian races when they resurfaced, and were enslaved to create war machines and advanced weaponry for the Titan armies. They were quick to aid Naude against their tyrants, but were always weary of their larger cousins. When Naude's daughter, Hertha, came to Oversee the Joutenland, she married a prominent Dwarf Chief and united their people under the empires rule. It is rumored that this Cheif, Skript, had encouraged his wife when both were under the dark influence of the Queen Mother to separate from the Empire and establish her own kingdom. After their death, their son Landa inherited their lands, which had already in this time been reduced to the Joutenland and Khaza-Thorin. He was taught by his father to resent Men and Giants, and his line established a culture of anti-manism and dwarf supremacy. Associating religion and magic with their larger cousins, the Dwarves quickly outlawed these practices, and instead turned to natural philosophy and natural arcana as their primary beliefs and worldviews. Seeing the hypocrisy in having a part human ruler, the Dwarves ended their campaign of driving the humans into the hills and out of their lands by executing their king and starting a confederacy called the Kaj. The Dwarves who live in Joutenland following the time of the Six Kingdoms are more slender, clean, and elegant. They live with much automation, and are the most advanced technological race - Dwarven or otherwise, in Mythoterra.

The Dwarves of Khaza-Thorin are closely related to those of Joutenland. They first colonized their island through tunnels underneath Thorin Channel. The leader of this expedition was named Thorin, thus the naming of the island. These Dwarves were given enough time in isolation to differentiate from their cousins on the mainland, and through time living independently of the world reverted to a more primitive life. With the harshness of their home, and the many dangers that face it, they took to protecting their own clans first and foremost. As such, the people of the island are very divided and independent of each other. Their culture and appearance strongly resembles that of the Scottish Highlanders. The Dwarves of the island are very superstitious and religious, with many legends and cults weaving together the fabric of their culture. Due to this religious fanaticism, the Dwarves of Khaza-Thorin were quick to rebel against the changes brought into policy by Joutenland, and stopped claiming any relation to the Dwarves or leadership their. These Dwarves are stout, wide, strong, and fierce.

The Dwarves of the Scales were the first to dig deep mines, even before the fall from grace. Thus, they were the first to find shelter during the times of turbulence that struck the world, and a vast majority of Dwarves fled into the humongous mountains. These Dwarves carved the main networks of the Underground Empire, and their mines in the Scales are where the Leviathan entered into the deep. The majority of the population of these Dwarves reside in large underground cities, and most did not resurface. Those that did, mainly migrated to the eastern slopes of the mountains, on the edge of the Steppe. Here, they became miners and farmers - common folk trying to live in peace. Few emerged to actually assist Naude in his campaign, but instead settled and avoided conflict under the shadows of the great mountains. When Svena came to Oversee Rohadentium and the Steppe, the Dwarves here became a main part of her population. During the dark hours of the Queen Mothers influence, Svena stopped engaging in leadership, and instead recused herself in her keep. Her people became reckless and lawless, and large swaths of horsemen and other brigands would go on raids to plunder Trinitus and the Kingdom of Orient. The Rohadine Dwarves instead remained peaceful and lawful peasants, and maintained what was left of a civilization in tact around the city of Rohadentium. The Dwarves of the Scales most closely resemble those of typical fantasy, however the ones in hills east of The Scales have a culture closer to that of pacifist farmers than of fierce warriors.

Lastly, the Dwarves of the Heighlands were the last ones to emerge from their elevated hills, enclosed by the two Great Lakes. They were eager to join in the Third Resistance after hearing the words and speeches of Naude, and seeing his massive armies. Following the liberation, these Dwarves came back to their lands as miners and fishers. They have always played an equal and active role in the Feudal life of Lourdes, and are a main source of its natural ore production. These Dwarves, even the miners, have a culture largely influenced by maritime life. As such, their ways of life resemble a medieval maritime nation. These Dwarves are round and bulbous, usually sporting neck or chin beards. They tend to be jolly in nature, laid back, and good hearted.

Historical Figures

The Major Historical Figures of the Dwarves include:

The first ruler of Joutenland, who played a major role in the separation of the Kingdom of Hertha.

The son of Skript and Hertha, who spearheaded the policies of Dwarven Supremecy.

Who discovered Khaza-Thorin.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
30 - 40 Years
Average Height
4 - 5 ft
Average Weight


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