Clarissa Seirin Ta

Born in 461 AP, Queen Clarissa was the eldest daughter of the Seirin Ta family, at that time an Amber noble house powerful enough to represent a danger to the Royal house.  The arranged marriage of Clarissa and Oberon on 503 AP was an attempt to force a lasting people and stablize the Noble houses of Amber.  While it helped to avoid open aggression, tensions between the two families never fully settled, despite the three children she bore.  Eventually the pair divorced in 602 AP and Clarissa run her families affairs until her death in 1347 AP.     The Seirin Ta family declined over the course of Clarissa's rule, fortunes Clarissa often implied were due to Oberon's manipluations.  However the family was never able to prove intervention by Oberon and eventually faded from power, remaining now only in remants married into other Noble houses.


Oberon Barimen


Towards Clarissa Seirin Ta

Clarissa Seirin Ta


Towards Oberon Barimen

Oberon Barimen (spouse)


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