In all of recorded history, only one structure has ever been erected within the Heartwood Forest.
The Inaethri of the Coteric Pantheon, in their zeal to contain and drive back Vrokíva and the Brume, designed and fabricated superstructures all throughout Gylidd. The most famous, and certainly the most egregious of these is the Edcairag, also known as the Stone Tree. The Stone Tree is a simple, elegant, egg-like frame of twisting curves that stands over the Ley River at the very heart of the Rhuddinwyd, rising above its tallest trees at nearly six hundred feet of magically hardened, reinforced limestone.
The Edcairag was finished on the 23rd of Falka, 14190 BAI, a day that lives on in infamy as the “Shift,” when Vrokíva tore her attention away from every other Realm for long enough to tip the city of Gylidd Syn Aethri into the westward lean it has today. Despite the ecological upheaval and direct attack of the Brume, the stone superstructure remained. It took an unprecedented amount of Inaethric willpower to have it constructed in the Rhuddinwyd to begin with, and deconstructing it seems equally impossible… and foolish.
The Inaethri of the Coteric Pantheon, in their zeal to contain and drive back Vrokíva and the Brume, designed and fabricated superstructures all throughout Gylidd. The most famous, and certainly the most egregious of these is the Edcairag, also known as the Stone Tree. The Stone Tree is a simple, elegant, egg-like frame of twisting curves that stands over the Ley River at the very heart of the Rhuddinwyd, rising above its tallest trees at nearly six hundred feet of magically hardened, reinforced limestone.
The Edcairag was finished on the 23rd of Falka, 14190 BAI, a day that lives on in infamy as the “Shift,” when Vrokíva tore her attention away from every other Realm for long enough to tip the city of Gylidd Syn Aethri into the westward lean it has today. Despite the ecological upheaval and direct attack of the Brume, the stone superstructure remained. It took an unprecedented amount of Inaethric willpower to have it constructed in the Rhuddinwyd to begin with, and deconstructing it seems equally impossible… and foolish.
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